Talent Works Releases New Research into Lack of Female Talent in the Technology Industry

New research shows that female tech talent is looking beyond gender-neutral advertising and traditional methods of attracting a diverse workforce into the core organizational working cultures

BOSTON & MANCHESTER, England--()--Leading Recruitment Processing Outsourcing (RPO) provider Talent Works today announced the launch of its new Women in Technology: It’s Time to Make a Change research white paper addressing a fundamental question: why are so few women working in such a booming industry?

The research, which surveyed 300 women in the UK and 400 women across the Eastern Seaboard of the US who had worked in technology or were still actively working in the sector. The research looked specifically at whether toxic technology culture is affecting the number of women who seek jobs in the tech industry, and whether sexism is actively detering women from the industry. Questions were also asked about the effectiveness of intervention in attracting women to technology work.

The findings suggest that having gender-neutral language in job advertising has little to do with women not choosing the tech industry, and that rather, women are not applying for jobs in the technology sector due to toxicity within organizations. Furthermore, the identified figures show that, in the short term, company culture needs to change before more women will choose to go into the sector.

The research suggests that some progress has been made in attracting women to tech roles in the recent decade, identifying a few key factors such as safe working environments, and emotionally intelligent leaders as some of the top deciding factors in helping companies to attract female talent.

“It’s clear that cultural change is needed in the technology sector, and the main responsibility for that change lies at the top,” said Jody Robie, Senior Vice President of Talent Works North America. “It is not easy, but as we have seen recently in light of Roe V Wade being overturned, companies are stepping up publicly to support women in the workforce.. This white paper shares a list of clear recommendations and immediate steps an organization can take to repair their culture. It’s time to look beyond using gender-neutral language and really move the needle to recruit, support and nurture female tech talent.”

Click here to download the report.


About Talent Works

Talent Works enables tech organizations to scale through powerful talent attraction solutions. By embedding themselves into a company’s infrastructure, its unique approach to RPO is a completely scalable resource suited to both growing organizations and more established names. Using a wealth of tech sector-specific expertise, insight and innovation, Talent Works offers a unique mix of employer branding, digital talent attraction and agile recruitment solutions. It helps companies to surround themselves with the talent needed to scale in an increasingly competitive market.

Website: https://www.talent-works.com/


For all media enquiries, please contact Leah Jones
+44 7876 117 760


For all media enquiries, please contact Leah Jones
+44 7876 117 760