Exabeam Fusion SIEM Delivers Customers 245% ROI Over Three Years

Independent Consulting Total Economic Impact study revealed significant improvements in security operations efficiency and effectiveness across a diverse customer base

FOSTER CITY, Calif.--()--Exabeam, the leader in Next-gen SIEM and XDR, today announced the results of a commissioned Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study conducted by Forrester Consulting (NASDAQ: FORR) on behalf of Exabeam, quantifying the potential return on investment for organizations who invest in Exabeam Fusion SIEM. The study found that a composite customer –– based on in-depth interviews with several leading organizations using Fusion SIEM –– achieved a 245% return on investment (ROI) and generated $3.73M in total benefits across a three year period.

Security operations teams are too often overwhelmed by alerts and false positives, operate in react mode, and struggle to detect insider threats. Exabeam provides a cloud-delivered solution with analytics-driven insights to help security teams investigate and resolve threats in record time.

“We believe the Forrester study has validated what we’ve known all along –– Exabeam Fusion SIEM customers experience dramatic gains in security operations efficiencies and significant cost savings and ROI when using Fusion SIEM,” said Pedro Abreu, Chief Operating Officer, Exabeam. “Exabeam is intensely focused on ensuring customers are successful at keeping pace with persistent adversaries increasingly sophisticated attack methods.”

The TEI study provides a framework for organizations to evaluate the potential financial impact of Fusion SIEM. The study examines both traditional and new hybrid work models that impact security operations teams and the organizations they protect.

According to the study, Exabeam Fusion SIEM customers realized significant security operations improvements. Among dozens reported, here are some benefit highlights:

  • Greater insider threat awareness. The study revealed that, until Exabeam Fusion SEIM was deployed, security teams still focused mostly on external threats and didn’t give enough attention to insiders as a major threat vector. Using Exabeam Fusion SIEM gave these companies greater understanding and visibility into user and entity behavior, as well as what was normal versus abnormal in their environments. As a result, they were better equipped with the foundational capabilities needed to counteract modern external and insider threats.
  • Centralized views. After deploying Exabeam Fusion SIEM, Security Operation Center (SOC) teams reported having a centralized view of their ecosystem so they can quickly review and investigate security logs, alerts, and incidents. This greatly reduced false positives and shortened mean time to respond and resolve.
  • Security team efficiency gains. Before using Exabeam Fusion SIEM, it typically took the composite (typical) organization 360 minutes to investigate an incident. After deploying Fusion SIEM, it took only five minutes to find a problem and determine the appropriate action to remediate the issue. This particular efficiency gain resulted in a present value savings of approximately $573K over a three-year period.
  • Alignment with Cloud strategies. While customer interviewees all had varying reasons for choosing a cloud-based SIEM provider like Exabeam, transitioning to the cloud was beneficial for each, and also provided the composite organization with an additional savings of more than $100K per year.

Highlights from Fusion SIEM Customer Interviews with Forrester Consulting

Fusion SIEM analytics engine drastically reduces incidents, gives hours back

A CISO for a mining firm said, “The [Exabeam] analytic engine takes log sources and correlates them together, assigns risk points for users and assets, and we investigate when they hit a score of over 90 points. After investigating those incidents, we can do threat hunting inside the tool. We used to see up to 100 incidents a day, but the longer we use Exabeam, we’ve seen dramatic drops of about 70% to 75%. I would attribute nearly all of that decrease in the number of incidents to the fact that we have Exabeam running in our environment.”

The CISO continued, “Prior to [deploying Exabeam], you might identify that something doesn’t look quite right. You would go to firewall and active directory logs as well as other systems, combing through those for that person’s name. You’re probably already four or five hours in, without even starting any of the correlation work yet. Exabeam does that all for you with a few clicks to get to an entire timeline of everything they’ve done throughout that day just simply coming from the log files. It literally takes five [or] six hours’ worth of work down to a few minutes.”

Fusion SIEM addresses insider threats and lateral movement

A regional CISO of a holding company said that until they deployed Exabeam, “security” meant mainly stopping website fraud or theft. They elaborated: “We wanted proper security in the corporate IT space. Security involved loading a bunch of software, then set it and forget it. That was security. We were not looking for internal threats or any lateral movement.”

Fusion SIEM is better at scaling performance

According to the head of Global Operations for a financial services organization cited in the study, “The biggest thing I saw with on-prem SIEMs is capacity management. To run a query against three years’ worth of logs bogs down the system. When you get multiple queries that are running against these infrastructure components, you’re hamstrung by their capabilities. Exabeam does a better job of scaling that performance.”

To read the Forrester Consulting study, The Total Economic Impact™ of Exabeam Fusion SIEM, and learn about the financial modelling that calculated the efficiency improvements, ROI, and cost savings results, click here. To learn more about Exabeam Fusion SIEM, or to request a demo, please visit https://www.exabeam.com/product/fusion-siem/.

About Exabeam

Exabeam is a global cybersecurity leader that adds intelligence to every IT and security stack. The leader in Next-gen SIEM and XDR, Exabeam is reinventing the way security teams use analytics and automation to solve Threat Detection, Investigation, and Response (TDIR), from common security threats to the most critical that are difficult to identify. Exabeam offers a comprehensive cloud-delivered solution that leverages machine learning and automation using a prescriptive, outcomes-based approach to TDIR. We design and build products to help security teams detect external threats, compromised users and malicious adversaries, minimize false positives and best protect their organizations. For more information, visit www.exabeam.com.

Exabeam, the Exabeam logo, Exabeam Fusion, Smart Timelines, Security Operations Platform, and XDR Alliance are service marks, trademarks or registered marks of Exabeam, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners. © 2022 Exabeam, Inc. All rights reserved.


Allyson Stinchfield

Touchdown PR for Exabeam
Alyssa Pallotti

Release Summary

Independent Consulting Total Economic Impact study revealed improvements in security operations effectiveness across a diverse customer base



Allyson Stinchfield

Touchdown PR for Exabeam
Alyssa Pallotti