WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, following reporting from the Washington Post that Hunter Biden threatened to bring suit against a former business partner in the Chancery Court, where he claimed to “have worked with and know every judge in the chancery court,” grassroots advocacy organization Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware released the following statement:
“This report just confirms what we’ve known for years: the Chancery Court is an old boys’ club where who you play golf with matters far more than the case you make. Even Hunter Biden agrees that the Chancery’s dysfunction makes it more akin to a kangaroo court than the illustrious business court it claims to be. When powerful Delawareans know that their personal connections to judges will influence the decisions of the court, it’s clear that the entire system must be transformed.
“This latest revelation makes clear that common-sense reforms like randomized case selection, disclosures of conflicts of interest, and a diverse judiciary that actually reflects Delaware’s citizenry are essential to restoring trust in the disgraced Chancery Court. We urge the state legislature and judiciary to act swiftly to ensure that the glad-handing and corruption described by Hunter Biden becomes a relic of the past.”
Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware is a group made up of more than 5,000 members including employees of the global translation services company TransPerfect, as well as concerned Delaware residents, business executives and others. They formed in April of 2016 to focus on raising awareness with Delaware residents, elected officials, and other stakeholders about the unprecedented, forced sale of TransPerfect. While their primary goal of saving the company has been accomplished, they continue their efforts to fight for more transparency in the Delaware Chancery Court. For more information on Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware or to join the cause, visit DelawareForBusiness.org.