AJC to Host “BIMP-EAGA Tourism Webinar -Japanese market insights and trends post-COVID-19-” on January 12, 2022
AJC to Host “BIMP-EAGA Tourism Webinar -Japanese market insights and trends post-COVID-19-” on January 12, 2022
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) will organize a webinar for tourism stakeholders in Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area or BIMP-EAGA on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. The webinar is designed to offer the latest information on the Japanese travel market and introduce how to promote tourism attractions of BIMP-EAGA to Japan.
The BIMP-EAGA was launched in 1994 to spur development in remote and less developed areas in the four participating Southeast Asian countries. These countries are geographically far from the national capitals, yet strategically close to each other. These states and provinces account for over 60% of the land area of the BIMP-EAGA countries; yet they make up less than 20% of their population and 18% of the labor force.
The five strategic pillars of BIMP-EAGA VISION 2025 are Connectivity, Food Basket, Environment, and Socio-cultural & Education, and Tourism. AJC held a series of symposiums focusing on the four pillars beside Tourism from November to December 2021. With this tourism webinar, it is covering all the strategic pillars of the VISION.
The upcoming tourism webinar will introduce interesting updates and trends of the Japanese market such as consumer sentiments of Japanese travelers and focus on ecotourism, one of the strengths of the region. It will also provide information on the digital marketing for tourism promotion.
BIMP-EAGA Tourism Webinar
-Japanese market insights and trends post-COVID-19-
Wednesday, 12 January 2022, 3:00PM – 5:00PM (Japan time)
Opening Remarks
- Dr. Kunihiko Chris Hirabayashi, Secretary General of ASEAN-Japan Centre
- Mr. Shu Kawano, Director, Second Southeast Asia Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan
- Ms. Salinah Md. Salleh, Acting Director of Tourism Department, Brunei Darussalam/Chair of BIMP-EAGA Joint Tourism Development Cluster
How do Japanese travelers view BIMP countries?
– Reading trends through ASEAN travel awareness survey1 –
Speaker: Ms. Haruna Chinzei, Account Manager, Marketing Voice Ltd.
The new chapter of ecotourism post COVID-19
– Cases of Japan and beyond –
Speaker: Mr. Masaru Takayama, Chairperson, Asian Ecotourism Network
How to attract Japanese travelers through effective digital marketing
Speaker: Mr. Kei Shibata, Co-founder & CEO, Venture Republic – TRAVEL jp & Trip101
ASEAN-Japan Centre
Supporting organization:
BIMP-EAGA Facilitation Center
Please register from the link below to participate:
(Click on “English” on the top right corner of the website)
1 ASEAN travel awareness survey was conducted by AJC in January 2021 for Japanese in their 20s-60s. The report for ASEAN (overall) and each ASEAN Member States are available on AJC website at the bottom of the following URL: https://www.asean.or.jp/en/tourism-info/20210617/.
ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) PR Unit
Tomoko Miyauchi (MS)
URL: https://www.asean.or.jp/en/
TEL: +81-3-5402-8118
E-mail: toiawase_ga@asean.or.jp