Worthy Beyond Purpose Launches Kickstarter Campaign to Bring Mindfulness and Meditation to Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)

Donations to support WBP meet a year-long curriculum program that will offer students interactive and engaging activities to develop awareness, emotional regulation, focus, and connection across LAUSD.

(Photo: Business Wire)

LOS ANGELES--()--Worthy Beyond Purpose (“WBP”), a nonprofit that brings mindfulness and meditation practices to children worldwide, today announced the launch of a Kickstarter campaign aimed to help bring meditation and mindfulness practices to children across Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

Worthy Beyond Purpose has been invited to join schools across LAUSD, reaching hundreds, if not thousands, of students across Los Angeles. WBP is a nonprofit founded in 2018, currently raising funds to meet a year-long curriculum that offers students engaging and interactive activities to develop awareness, emotional regulation, focus, and connection.

Donations to the Kickstarter campaign may be kindly made here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/meditationinschool/mindfulness-and-meditation-program-in-schools-for-kids

“Helping these kids learn mindfulness and meditation tools throughout the pandemic has made it quite clear to me what needed to happen moving forward. If we want our children to come out of this year-long isolation as smoothly and unscathed as possible, we need this program integrated into the school system,” commented Connie Clotworthy, Founder and President of Worthy Beyond Purpose. “We have already raised $19,603 out of the $54,000 goal, putting us in two schools thus far. With the help of everyone, we will be able to reach 700+ students in a total of 7 schools in need to guide the children in how to express their emotions, listen to their bodies and their creative minds,” continued Connie.

The benefits of this program are insurmountable, creating future leaders that learn to live from the heart, breathe through the fear and deeply connect to themselves and to each other. At a young age, students can learn skills of resilience, self-love and self-regulation, and authentic inclusion. WBP believes in teaching kids at a young age how to connect to themselves and to each other, will help transform the world, one mindful kid at a time,

If you would like to learn more about WBP and our programs, please visit the following link here: https://www.worthybeyondpurpose.com/.

About Worthy Beyond Purpose

Worthy Beyond Purpose brings mindfulness and meditation practices to children around the globe with a mission to transform the world by providing globally accessible meditation and mindfulness tools and practices.

In our current cultural and technological climate, our society is suffering from depression and anxiety disorders at increasingly younger ages. Through the practice of mindfulness and meditation, children and youth can develop self-regulatory skills to improve academically and socially. This facilitates the development of healthy relationships with self, friends, families, teachers, and peers. The more these skills are integrated across communities in adults as well as children, the greater the potential for real change.

We guide kids, teens, and adults in how to unplug and learn to listen to their bodies and their creative minds. We offer a variety of mindfulness programs based on positive mental health and soft skill acquisition. Our goal is to guide people to be able to recognize their worth independent of life's circumstances leading to a more positive and purpose-driven life.


Connie Clotworthy, President & Founder
Worthy Beyond Purpose

Release Summary

Donations to support Worthy Beyond Purpose meet a year-long curriculum program that will offer students interactive and engaging activities.


Connie Clotworthy, President & Founder
Worthy Beyond Purpose