LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pepperdine Graziadio Business School faculty produce pioneering ideas with global impact that influences and develops the Best for the World Leaders that are driven to make a positive impact within their community. Graziadio thought leaders' research covers a wide breadth of expertise such as optimizing a firm's profit; marketing; team management and effectiveness; and positive leadership. To learn more about Graziadio thought leadership research, visit Graziadio Center for Applied Research. A selection of recent research articles from Pepperdine Graziadio faculty are summarized below:
The Costs of Mindfulness at Work: The moderating role of mindfulness in surface acting, self-control depletion, and performance outcomes
Associate professor of applied behavioral science, Darren Good
Mindfulness in the workplace has grown in popularity in recent years, especially during the pandemic where employee well-being and retention became more important than ever. Darren Good and co-authors Christopher Lyddy, Phillip Thompson, and John Stephens, examine the “dark side” of mindfulness. The study investigated how mindfulness influences performance in a real-world customer service work environment and surveyed nearly 1,700 employees in various roles and industries.
Good’s expertise and research focuses on mindfulness in the workplace; leadership development; organizational behavior and group dynamics; and change management.
Understanding Orientation to Participation: Overcoming status differences to foster engagement in global teams
Dean’s distinguished professor of management, Cristina Gibson
Two key challenges facing global teams are navigating status differences and participation from all members. Cristina Gibson and co-authors Jennifer Gibbs, Svetlana Grushina, and Patrick Dunlop’s research examines global team members’ participation, collaboration, and team effectiveness. Research findings provide tactics that improve employee engagement and team effectiveness.
Gibson’s expertise and research focuses on organizational management, cross-cultural psychology, organizational innovation, virtual team collaboration, and the role of the surrounding community in corporate success.
Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Portfolio Performance: A cross-national study
Professor of finance, Maretno Harjoto
Reputation risk is a growing concern for many companies. Maretno Harjoto and co-authors Andreas Hoepner and Qian Li’s research examines the impact of reputation risk, measured by corporate social irresponsibility (CSI) ratings, on shareholder abnormal returns. The study is based on 7,368 non-financial companies from 42 countries. The findings suggest that reputational risk reduces stock returns and provides evidence that public trust towards institutions plays an important role in CSI and shareholder returns.
Harjoto’s expertise and research focuses on responsible business practices, the economics of corporate social performance, corporate fraud, and the financial cost of organizational risk taking.
Debating Bad Leaders: Reasons and remedies
Professor of applied behavioral science, Charles Kerns
Bad leaders cause adverse impact on people in an organization such as workforce stress, low performance, and diminishing well-being of employees. Charles Kerns’ research finds five main reasons for bad leaders and provides solutions and practices for organizations to implement.
Kern’s expertise and research focuses on performance-based management systems, positive-oriented work cultures, designing high-performance organizations, and effective leadership.
Two-stage Simulation -- optimization profit maximization model
Associate professor of decision sciences, Kenneth Ko
Kenneth Ko developed a two-stage model for companies to use to maximize profit at the individual product level. The model helps companies find the optimal price for their product and increase profits. The model utilizes consumer margin, benefits, and price.
Ko’s expertise and research focuses on applying management science to high-technology products and companies; economic systems; and optimizing pricing.
Empowerment as Latent Vulnerability in Techno-mediated Consumption Journeys
Professor of marketing, Cristel Russell
Brands are increasingly relying on digital technologies to provide customers with immediate and personalized services. Cristel Russell and co-authors Celine Del Bucchia, Caroline Miltgen, and Claire Burlat’s research finds that as consumers recognize their dependence and manipulation, they develop ways to not be persuaded.
Russell’s expertise and research focuses on entertainment, marketing, and how people consume stories.
About Pepperdine University Graziadio Business School
For more than 50 years, the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School has challenged individuals to think boldly and drive meaningful change within their industries and communities. Dedicated to developing Best for the World Leaders, the Graziadio School offers a comprehensive range of MBA, MS, executive, and doctoral degree programs grounded in integrity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The Graziadio School advances experiential learning through small classes with distinguished faculty that stimulate critical thinking and meaningful connection, inspiring students and working professionals to realize their greatest potential as values-centered leaders. Follow Pepperdine Graziadio on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.