You Are the Water You Drink (And That’s Not Very Good)

Legal Water Isn’t Healthy Water Declares Angel Water CEO Andrew Wilson, aka “Drew the Water Guru”


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Andrew Wilson aka Drew the Water Guru, discusses how drinking clean water can help keep you and your family healthy.

BARRINGTON, Ill.--()--Consider that next glass of water you drink. Even if it’s clear with no noticeable taste or smell, you may be among the millions of Americans drinking water from a source that violates the standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“Legal water in far too many places across the country isn’t healthy water,” says Angel Water CEO Andrew Wilson, aka, “Drew the Water Guru”. “Many people assume that if local municipalities, governments, and the EPA approve it, then the water must be clean. Unfortunately, water is a health necessity that may not actually be healthy.”

Water is essential for life. For survival, while some people can go for weeks without food, they can only live about three days without water. For health, it keeps you hydrated, helps blood flow, lubricates joints and other tissues, and is necessary for many biological processes.

All the while, you may be gulping down far too many things water shouldn’t contain. The “clean” water many cities and municipalities deliver to their customers, while free of bacteria from sewage, remains filled with harmful contaminants.

The Safe Drinking Water Act was written into law in 1974. Since then, the act has seen no significant amendments about improving water quality. Cleanliness can vary widely due to pollutants such as microbes, nutrients, heavy metals, organic chemicals, oil and sediments.

Filtered… by you

The big problem for water health is lack of filtration. Sources treat wastewater with chlorine. This disinfects the water but doesn’t do much else. Chlorine often adds to the contamination by leaving behind harmful byproducts.

And that’s just the beginning. American water systems contain other common contaminants, including:

  • Hexavalent chromium IV (a heavy metal known to cause cancer in animals and humans)
  • Radium 226 and 228 (naturally occurring, cancer-causing metal in rock and soil)
  • Mercury (an element toxic to the central and peripheral nervous systems)
  • Lead (a heavy metal that affects mental and physical development)

Then there are PFAS -- per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances -- also known as “forever chemicals”. These don't naturally break down and there is no known way to destroy them. Very small doses of PFAS have been linked to cancer, reproductive and immune system harm, and other diseases.

Finally, there is the growing problem of pharmaceuticals seeping into the water supply via manufacturing sites, the livestock industry and from people, the effects of which are under study.

Nationally, 100% of municipal water systems have contaminants that could be considered less than nominal for health.

“Too much stuff is floating around your water. With no filtration at the tap, you end up being the filter, both figuratively and literally,” says Wilson.

With so many issues related to water quality, what can individuals do to make their water healthier? Drew the Water Guru can provide objective commentary and content that will answer questions about water and water health, including:

  • What Is Healthy Water?
  • Managing Water’s “Forever Chemicals”
  • Your Water May Be Legal. But Is It Safe?
  • The Environmental Working Group: Your Water Quality Watch Dog
  • Why EPA Water Standards Are So Out of Date

See this content and more at

Angel Water specializes in water testing, diagnosis and treatment products, systems and services to ensure drinking water safety and health. The company has educated and served consumers and businesses for 50 years. More at


Media Contacts:

David Kaiser
(224) 427-4172

Bob Reed, Element-R Partners, LLC
(630) 579-1770

Release Summary

Drew the Water Guru says 100% of municipal water systems have contaminants that could be considered less than nominal for health.

Social Media Profiles


Media Contacts:

David Kaiser
(224) 427-4172

Bob Reed, Element-R Partners, LLC
(630) 579-1770