Aaron Spitz, MD, Reveals His Top Insider Tips to Staying Healthy and Strong During Men’s Health Month

7 simple ways men can lead healthier lives, starting right now

LAGUNA BEACH, Calif.--()--There is something to be said about all of the hand washing, mask wearing, and social distancing everyone has been practicing over the last year: data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals historically low influenza rates during the pandemic. “Prevention has always been key to maintaining optimal health,” says Aaron Spitz, MD, Voluntary Assistant Clinical Professor at UC Irvine’s Department of Urology and author of The Penis Book. “Even small changes to your daily routine can make a major difference when it comes to feeling good, especially during Men’s Health Month.”

Ahead, Dr. Spitz shares some of his favorite preemptive tips for living a longer, healthier, and happier life.

1. Get moving: Exercise is key to keeping your body strong and healthy, which is why it’s important to be aware of how much you’re sitting throughout the day. Studies show too much time in a desk chair, on the couch, or in the car, can raise your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol—plus, it makes you more likely to be overweight. One solution: get up and stretch every half hour for a few minutes. Then aim for 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity, including a brisk walk, bike ride, swim, or sport such as tennis or golf (try to walk and leave the cart behind).

2. Drink plenty of water: Doing so will lessen your chances of getting kidney stones, especially after a sweaty workout. “The more you sweat, the less you urinate and the more concentrated your urine becomes, which can allow minerals in the urine to crystalize into stones,” explains Dr. Spitz. By staying hydrated, you’ll also avoid dehydration’s side effects, which can include headaches and slowed brain function. Even minor dehydration can affect mood and cognitive ability, so try to down eight glasses of water per day. Dr. Spitz also advises, “load up on water rich foods like fruits and vegetables.” A diet rich in fruits in vegetables also helps decrease kidney stone production by causing the kidneys to secrete less calcium into the urine.

3. Keep stress in check: Chronic stress has been linked to everything from allergies to heart disease. Start and end your day with a moment of mindfulness, which can be as easy as a 5-minute breathing exercise to clear your thoughts and relax your body. There are many great techniques that involve slow, deliberate breathing. One easy one is: while still in bed, breathe deeply through your nose, hold for five seconds, exhale through your mouth, repeating 5 to 10 times. Doing this simple exercise at night will promote a more restful sleep by slowing your heart rate. Doing this in the morning can get you off to a calm and refreshed start of your day.

4. Eat smart and read labels: You’ve definitely heard it before but avoiding processed foods and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables will help keep your body running at full speed. “Try to avoid foods that are high in sugar, trans and saturated fats, sodium, and cholesterol,” suggests Dr. Spitz, who also notes that certain cancers, like colon cancer and prostate cancer, have been associated with higher consumption of meat as well as smoked and processed food. Incorporating five servings a week of nuts or seeds into your diet provides omega-3 fatty acids which help prevent the clogging of arteries leading to heart disease. Walnuts and Flaxseed are great choices. Getting at least 38 grams of fiber per day (or 14 grams for every 1,000 calories) into your diet—can help decrease the risk of cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Dietary fiber comes primarily from fruits and vegetables. A smart eating tip: Wait 20 minutes before going back for seconds, as that’s how long it takes for your body to recognize it’s full.

5. Protect your sexual health: Getting tested before being intimate with a new partner (worrisome numbers: 1 in 2 sexually active people will contract a sexually transmitted infection by age 35), is another way to safeguard your sex health. “When you have sex with someone, you’re pretty much having sex with everyone they’ve ever slept with so it’s important to have a conversation with your partner about past relationships,” says Dr. Spitz, who suggests using latex condoms, which lower your risk of both STI contraction and pregnancy. Using a silicone or water-based lubricant will help reduce the risk of a latex condom breaking and increase pleasure. Oil based lubricants can cause damage to a condom and make it ineffective. Many condoms come already lubricated, such as Trojan Ultra Ribbed Lubricated Condom, Trojan Ecstasy, and Trojan Bareskin. A reassuring fact: every Trojan condom is electronically tested to identify pinholes.

6. Don’t skip your annual checkup: It starts with finding a doctor you’re comfortable with and then making sure you’re getting all the necessary testing and screening for your age, which may include an electrocardiogram (EKG) to identify heart irregularities and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening to detect prostate issues. Testing your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and body mass index (BMI) should all be part of your annual exam. And with rising skin and colon cancer rates, be sure to book your annual head-to-toe skin check with your dermatologist, along with your first colonoscopy by age 45 with a gastroenterologist.

7. Maintain your pandemic rituals: They’re not always pleasant, but wearing a mask when you’re in a crowd, especially in tight, enclosed spaces, will not only lessen your exposure to Covid-19, but also to seasonal colds and flus. Continued vigilance with hand washing will also prevent the spread of germs. “You want to create friction by lathering and rubbing your hands for at least 20 seconds, which will literally lift dirt and microbes off your skin,” advises Dr. Spitz. Be sure to thoroughly dry your hands, as germs transfer more easily to and from wet hands, and avoid touching your face to prevent microbes from finding their way into the body through your mouth, nose, and eyes. If you do feel a cold coming on, consider a zinc-based tablet. Studies show that zinc, an essential mineral, can reduce the length of a cold if taken at the onset of symptoms. Tablets such as Zicam RapidMelts dissolve in your mouth—no chewing or swallowing required!

“It’s important to start somewhere,” adds Dr. Spitz. “Adapting even a few of these suggestions will pay off in the short and long term. Just be sure to check in with your physician before making any significant changes to your daily routine.”


Victoria Gomez
Global Communication Works

Release Summary

Dr. Aaron Spitz shares seven simple ways men can lead healthier lives during Men's Health Month.


Victoria Gomez
Global Communication Works