Leaps.org & Aspen Institute Feature “COVID Vaccines & the Return to Life,” March 11 Webinar with Major Health & Science Experts

The event marks one year since the global declaration of the pandemic



COVID Vaccines and the Return to Life: Part 1 – First of four virtual symposiums reviewing the most pressing, timely questions around the COVID-19 vaccines. Featuring leading scientific and medical experts, marking the one-year anniversary of the global declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Topics include: the effect of the new circulating variants on the vaccines, what we know so far about transmission dynamics post- vaccination, the myths of “good” and “bad” vaccines as more alternatives come on board, and more. Public Q&A will follow the expert discussion.



Thursday, March 11, 2021

12:30 – 1:45 pm EST / 9:30 – 10:45 am PST



Co-Host: Kira Peikoff, Editor-in-Chief, Leaps.org


Monica Gandhi, M.D., MPH, Professor of Medicine and Associate Division Chief (Clinical Operations/ Education) of the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine at UCSF/San Francisco General Hospital.


Paul Offit, M.D., Director of the Vaccine Education Center, attending physician in infectious diseases at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and advisor to CDC and FDA vaccine committees.


Onyema Ogbuagu, MBBCh, Associate Professor at Yale School of Medicine and Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist treating COVID-19 patients and leading Yale’s COVID-19 vaccine trials.


Eric Topol, M.D., cardiologist, scientist, professor of molecular medicine, and the director and founder of Scripps Research Translational Institute.



Aspen Institute Science & Society Program

Sabin–Aspen Vaccine Science & Policy Group


With generous support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.




Leaps.org is a not-for-profit program within the Good Worldwide ecosystem, which also includes Upworthy — a media platform that reaches over 150 million people monthly — whose mission is to share the best of humanity and inspire others to do the same.

Leaps.org publishes award-winning journalism, popularizes scientific progress on social media, and hosts forums about innovation, ethics, and the future of humanity. Leaps.org’s projects and activities are supported by a consortium of like-minded partners including the Aspen Institute Science & Society Program, and supporters Leaps by Bayer, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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Jessica Laufer, 310.909.3611
Jayne Wallace, 917.374.9746

Release Summary

Leaps.org & Aspen Institute Feature “COVID Vaccines & the Return to Life,” March 11 Webinar with Major Health & Science Experts.


Jessica Laufer, 310.909.3611
Jayne Wallace, 917.374.9746