“The Larry Kudlow Show” Sees Record-Breaking Listenership Spike

Former National Economic Advisor Sees 250% Increase in Saturday Streaming Listenership

(Graphic: Business Wire)

NEW YORK--()--Red Apple Media/77 WABC Radio Chairman/CEO John Catsimatidis and President Chad Lopez have announced that The Larry Kudlow Show, on Saturdays from 10 a.m. through 1 p.m., has shattered streaming records, with listeners increasing over 250 percent during the show’s hours. Larry Kudlow is the former Director of the National Economic Council and previously worked in the Office of Management and Budget in the Reagan Administration.

The following statement has been released by John Catsimatidis, Chairman/CEO of Red Apple Media/77 WABC Radio:

“Larry Kudlow is an icon and is one of the foremost voices on the economy in the United States. He is well-respected, and his program’s record-breaking success can be attributed to his ability to incorporate some of the brightest economic minds in his programming. We are proud to have Larry aboard and expect this is just the beginning of a long and successful career at 77 WABC Radio.”

The following statement has been released by Chad Lopez, President of Red Apple Media/77 WABC Radio:

“The Larry Kudlow Show is a must-listen for anyone concerned about Wall Street or the state of our economy. His cutting-edge perspective and trusted voice brings a new, one-of-a-kind dynamic to Saturday broadcasting.”

The following statement has been released by Larry Kudlow, Host of The Larry Kudlow Show:

“It's wonderful to be back in the saddle on WABC radio. Free enterprise is the best path to prosperity. So much to talk about to make America even greater. Many thanks to our wonderful listeners.”


77 WABC Radio
Renee Casis, (646) 808-6505


77 WABC Radio
Renee Casis, (646) 808-6505