New Hampshire to Deploy Nation’s First Statewide Whole Community Response Network for COVID-19

State Police, Local Police, Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and Hospitals Linked for Instant Emergency Communication and Coordination

WALLINGFORD, Conn.--()--Mutualink, Inc. today announced the statewide deployment of its real time multimedia collaboration solution in New Hampshire. The solution will instantly link public safety agencies, public safety answering points, hospitals, colleges and universities, along with critical assets across the state to enhance its real time COVID-19 pandemic response efforts. The project takes the next step in whole community response and is the first of its kind in the nation. “New Hampshire could not be more excited by this unparalleled technology,” said Commissioner Robert Quinn. “The New Hampshire Department of Safety has long recognized the capability of this communications platform and to be able to partner with Mutualink in providing 'True Interoperability' for not only our public safety communities statewide, but to the critical infrastructure that has united in response to this pandemic has been an amazing opportunity.”

The new statewide collaboration network has enabled first responder agencies, 9-1-1 centers and hospitals across the state to securely communicate voice and share video and information on-demand. The solution dynamically bridges different agency radio and voice communications systems and also enables real time video from any video source, including from internal surveillance systems, wearable cameras, aviation assets, and cell phones to be securely shared with partners. The solution also includes a next generation, multimedia push-to-talk (MM-PTT) application that operates like a radio over wireless mobile networks along with being able to send and receive real time video. The Mutualink MM-PTT application is also unique in that it can be linked with an agency’s own radios system, but also can be dynamically linked to other partner agencies’ radios when needed.

Designed for critical communications, Mutualink’s multimedia collaboration solution brings capabilities that meet the complex requirements of emergency response coordination. “There is a world of difference between real time critical communications and solutions verses video conferencing applications and consumer message apps. Urgent response environments operate in minutes and seconds, not by calendar appointment. Being able to connect first responder agencies and public and private community partners that use different radio and communications systems, video systems and information systems on a secure, ad-hoc, on-demand basis within dynamic, fast changing environments requires tremendous technological agility. But it does not stop there. It must be wrapped in simplicity at a user level for maximum usability and effectiveness. We do things that no one else in the world does, and that’s why New Hampshire selected Mutualink,” said Mark Hatten, CEO of Mutualink.

Mutualink is the industry innovator and leader in multimedia interoperable communications with nearly 100 US and international patents covering ground-breaking innovations in interactive multimedia interoperability, internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), wearable sensor communications, and blockchain for communications networks. The Mutualink solution integrates radio, video, text, and file sharing for real-time collaboration among its fast-growing network of federal, state and local first responder agencies, emergency operations centers, intelligence centers, hospitals, utilities, airports, ports, schools and universities, stadiums, and financial institutions. Mutualink is the leader in true “whole community response” collaboration, and is also pioneering “connected life safety” for smart cities with live projects funded by the US Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology’s Smart City Internet of Things Innovation (SCITI) Labs.


Beth Clay

Release Summary

Mutualink announced deployment of its multimedia collaboration platform in New Hampshire to link agencies in the state to enhance COVID-19 response.

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Beth Clay