Future Digital Award Winners Announced for Telco Innovation 2021

HAMPSHIRE, England--()--It is with great pleasure that Juniper Research announces the 2021 winners of the Future Digital Awards for Telco Innovation.

This category recognises the most impactful telco products and services operating across numerous areas, including enterprise innovation, security and fraud, and network innovation. Juniper Research has identified the following organisations and platforms that are driving innovation and growth.

Following our exhaustive application and judging process, we are proud to announce the winners in each category:

Judges’ Choice

  • Award for Telco Innovation
    • CM.com
  • Telco Innovation Mover & Shaker of the Year
    • Silvio Kutic, CEO & Founder of Infobip

Enterprise Telco Innovation

  • Enterprise Telco Innovation: CPaaS Provider of the Year
    • Infobip CPaaS platform – Platinum Award Winner
    • Route Mobile Limited – Gold Award Winner
  • Best RCS Provider
    • Infobip RCS Business Messaging – Platinum Award Winner
    • Kaleyra Cloud – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Steering of Roaming Solution
    • Transaction Network Services Roamer Control – Platinum Award Winner
    • Mobileum VoLTE Roaming – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Roaming Hub
    • Comfone Key2Roam Hub – Platinum Award Winner
    • BICS Roaming Hub – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Carrier Billing Solution
    • DOCOMO Digital – Platinum Award Winner
    • Telenor Digital Direct Operator Billing – Gold Award Winner

Security & Fraud Innovation

  • Best SMS Firewall
    • Anam Assure - Firewall, A2P Monetisation, A2P Security – Platinum Award Winner
    • Route Mobile Limited – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Financial Clearing Solution
    • Clear – Platinum Award Winner
    • EVINA – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Signalling Firewall Solution
    • Sinch Signalling Firewall – Platinum Award Winner
    • Mobileum Signalling Firewall – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Mobile Identity Solution
    • Eseye AnyNet IoT Connectivity – Platinum Award Winner
    • Mastercard ID – Gold Award Winner

Operator & Network Innovation

  • Network Virtualisation Innovation of the Year
    • PCCW Global Console Connect – Platinum Award Winner
    • DriveNets Network Cloud – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Operator 5G Solution
    • Orange Start Walking 5G Pack – Platinum Award Winner
    • Skyboxe Hub – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Cellular IoT Initiative
    • TOMIA IoT Roaming Monetisation Platform – Platinum Award Winner
    • Thales IoT SAFE – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Network AI Innovation
    • CUJO AI – Platinum Award Winner
    • Ericsson Network Intelligence & Omni Network Channel – Gold Award Winner
  • Best Automotive Connectivity Solution
    • Thales for Automotive – Platinum Award Winner

Infobip Win Two Platinum Awards

Matija Razem, Senior Vice President at Infobip, said: ‘Infobip has long been evangelising and showcasing use cases that demonstrate the benefits of RCS for brands, mobile operators, and consumers. In today’s hyper-connected marketplace, and as a part of the CPaaS paradigm, we believe RCS has earned its place in the communications mix. It makes us immensely proud to receive awards for best provider in both categories. We see it as proof that we are moving in the right direction and that our efforts have been recognised by industry players, as well as analysts. Many thanks to Juniper Research, and to our clients – who inspire us on a daily basis.’

Find out more about Infobip

TOMIA Wins Platinum Award for Best Cellular IoT Initiative

Andrei Elefant, TOMIA CPO, said: ‘I am very proud that TOMIA is the Platinum Winner of the Juniper Research Future Digital Award for Best Cellular IoT initiative. With 5G roll-outs gaining momentum and exponential growth in IoT global deployments, the business environment for roaming managers is becoming significantly more complex. To meet this need, TOMIA has set a target to automate business processes in order to fully monetise opportunities resulting from 5G and IoT adoption. We are also placing special emphasis on meeting the evolving challenges of new technologies, such as Blockchain and BCE, to meet industry needs. It is gratifying to see this recognition of our TOMIA platform vision.’

Find out more about Tomia’s IoT Roaming Monetisation Platform

Evina Wins Best Financial Clearing Solution

David Lotfi, CEO at Evina, said: ‘We are thrilled to receive the Telco Innovation, Best Financial Clearing Solution award by Juniper Research. For Evina, this recognition highlights the crucial role our cutting-edge technology plays in boosting our clients’ business, by helping them get rid of fraud. It sends a clear message to all mobile market players: fraud is harming you, to an extent you probably do not even realise, but it is not fatal and fighting it can be a major lever to increase revenue. You just have to partner with the right experts.’

Find out more about Evina’s Financial Clearing Solutions

DOCOMO Digital Wins Platinum Award for Best Carrier Billing Solution

Jonathan Kriegel, CEO, DOCOMO Digital, said: ‘DOCOMO Digital is at the forefront of innovation in Direct Carrier Billing, with our leading-edge Payments-as-a-Service platform that includes robust fraud and risk management features. We are adding our voice to a growing chorus of support for wider adoption of Carrier Billing by global merchants, jointly publishing industry research with industry bodies like the GSMA. Juniper Research’s recognition of our efforts as the Platinum Carrier Billing Provider this year, after the Gold category last year, is a strong testament to our commitment to serve as growth catalysts for our partners and customers.’

Find out more about DOCOMO Digital’s Carrier Billing Solution

Route Mobile Wins Two Gold Awards

Rajdipkumar Gupta, Managing Director, and Group CEO, Route Mobile Limited, said: ‘We are thrilled to win Gold in 2 categories of Juniper Research's Future Digital Awards for Technology & Innovation. This recognition is a testament of our market leadership in the CPaaS ecosystem. We will continue to focus on cutting-edge products and solutions, and on further strengthening our R&D to ensure innovative and disruptive communication solutions, to enable businesses to seamlessly connect with their customers.’

Find out more about Route Mobile’s CPaaS Platform

Thales Wins Gold for Best Cellular IoT Initiative

Guillaume Lafaix, VP Mobile Connectivity Solutions at Thales, said: ‘We are honoured to be awarded for Best Cellular IoT initiative. Given increased 5G roll-outs, billions of IoT devices in all industry sectors, such as healthcare and smart metering, need to securely send data to their cloud. Thales has implemented GSMA IoT SAFE specifications now available as a service, to provide a scalable and efficient security framework, built on field-proven, standardised SIM/eSIM technology. This approach eliminates integration and provisioning challenges for operators, compliancy issues for device makers and service providers.’

Find out more about Thales’ Cellular IoT Initiative

For further details on the Future Digital Awards please visit the Future Digital Awards website, follow us on Twitter @FutureDigiAward, or contact info@juniperresearch.com.


Sam Smith, Press Relations
T: +44(0)1256 830002
E: sam.smith@juniperresearch.com

Release Summary

It is with great pleasure that Juniper Research announces the 2021 winners of the Future Digital Awards for Telco Innovation


Sam Smith, Press Relations
T: +44(0)1256 830002
E: sam.smith@juniperresearch.com