Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware Launches Grassroots Canvassing Campaign to Engage Citizens to Advocate for Diversity on Delaware’s Courts

Grassroots organization begins its canvassing effort as part of a comprehensive $250,000 campaign to pressure Governor Carney to replace retiring Chancery Court Chancellor Andre Bouchard with a person of color.

WILMINGTON, Del.--()--This weekend, Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware (CPBD) launched a canvassing campaign to reach thousands of Delawareans as they directly engage with and educate citizens on the lack of diversity on Delaware’s highest courts and shed light on the opaque judicial nomination process.

This campaign kicks off as Governor Carney is set to make a critical judicial appointment to replace the outgoing Chancery Court Chancellor Andre G. Bouchard when he retires at the end of April. CPBD, Reverend Al Sharpton, civic leaders and citizens are calling for Gov. Carney to appoint an African American judge to replace Bouchard and restore diversity to the Chancery Court.

The recent appointment and confirmation of Paul Fioravanti Jr. to serve as Vice Chancellor on the Delaware Court of Chancery – replacing Justice Tamika Montgomery-Reeves, the first African American woman to sit on Delaware's Supreme Court – has called into question Gov. Carney’s commitment to diversity and transparency and highlighted the lack of transparency of the nomination process.

Said Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware Campaign Manager Chris Coffey: “Every time we get out and talk to Delawareans, they are shocked by the lack of transparency and diversity in the state’s courts. The process is inaccessible to the everyday citizens whose lives are affected by the decisions the court makes – from the thousands of minority businesses in the state to employees of companies headquartered or operating in Delaware. This appointment comes at a pivotal time in the fight for diversity in this state and in this nation, and we will continue our unrelenting effort to give a voice to the citizens of Delaware on this issue.”


Sarah Hardy,


Sarah Hardy,