Kit Check Launches New Virtual Medication Intelligence™ Center

Interactive website provides a look at Kit Check’s solutions in action in a virtual 3D hospital

WASHINGTON--()--Kit Check, the market leader in software solutions for item-level visibility in the pharmaceutical space, today announced the launch of its interactive Medication Intelligence™ Center for customers to virtually engage with Kit Check solutions working in the hospital. Presented in an engaging, storytelling format that includes scenarios from key stakeholders, the website features information about Kit Check’s offerings, including its evidence-based purchasing tool Bluesight Insights™, its namesake automated medication inventory management system Kit Check, its drug diversion monitoring solution Bluesight® for Controlled substances, which utilizes advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to help hospitals identify risk, and more.

The cutting-edge website,, visualizes the main areas of a virtual hospital, including the pharmacy and operating rooms to give users the feeling of being physically present in the environment. Vignettes of pharmacists and nurses at work showcase how Kit Check’s solutions are used for a range of automation needs that prioritize simplicity, visibility, and predictability across the entire drug supply chain. Key highlights of the site include in-depth information on:

  • RFID capabilities: Kit Check’s namesake product provides continuous medication oversight throughout the medication’s entire chain of custody.
  • Bluesight Insights: Kit Check’s newest product aggregates pricing and product information about pharmaceuticals directly from wholesalers to offer users the best option available, saving hospitals 1% to 3% of their usual spend.
  • Bluesight for Controlled Substances: This comprehensive drug diversion prevention software offers complete coverage of the OR, nursing floors and the pharmacy – providing 100% audit of all hospital procedural areas.
  • DoseID: Kit Check is a proud member of DoseID, the first member driven industry consortium for the use of RFID technology in the healthcare space, and shares the mission of ensuring the quality, performance, and interoperability of RFID-tagged, serialized drugs as they move through the supply chain.
  • Mobile Pharmacy: This streamlined, newly re-designed pharmacy cart is an efficient solution for restocking procedural areas of the hospital and uses tablet technology to log inventory in real time.
  • Webinars: A virtual theater for Kit Check-hosted webinars and events where industry leaders can meet, learn and earn continuing education credit.

We’ve created a state-of-the-art virtual environment so that members of the hospital pharmacy community can engage with all aspects of pharmacy operations to learn more about the importance of item-level visibility throughout their organizations,” said Kevin MacDonald, CEO and co-founder of Kit Check. “Clinicians can explore how Kit Check solutions provide their hospital Medication Intelligence and enable efficient medication inventory management, prevent diversion, optimize medication budgets, and provide the best possible patient safety.”

About Kit Check

Kit Check is the leading provider of automated medication tracking and diversion detection solutions for hospital pharmacies in the U.S., bringing visibility, simplicity, and predictability to the complex world of medication supply management. Our groundbreaking Medication Intelligence™ platforms provide item level visibility, workflow simplicity and actionable analytics, empowering stakeholders to deliver the right medicine to the right patient at the right time, every time. To date, our more than 500 U.S. and Canadian hospital partners have tracked more than 120 million medications using Kit Check’s RFID product. Bluesight® for Controlled Substances software is currently in use in more than 100 hospitals including full health system implementations, with more than 15 million cases tracked, and was ranked #1 in the Drug Diversion Monitoring category in the 2019 Best in KLAS report. More information about Kit Check and our software solutions can be found at


Jill Gross
Matter Health for Kit Check

Release Summary

Kit Check today announced the launch of its interactive Medication Intelligence™ Center.


Jill Gross
Matter Health for Kit Check