NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Brock Pierce, the independent candidate for President of the United State of America, is gaining steam as the third choice for voters in the November 3rd presidential election, as a new poll puts him in third place in the state of New York.
The Siena College poll of 504 likely voters shows Pierce behind President Donald Trump with six percent of support among independent-minded voters across New York. The survey also shows Pierce picking up more support in New York’s suburbs and voters aged 35-54.
Pierce and his running mate, Karla Ballard, are on the ballot in New York on the Independence Party line after the unanimous endorsement of the Independence Party of New York at its presidential nominating convention this past August.
Key findings:
- Two percent among statewide voters
- Six percent among voters who identify themselves as independent
- Four percent among moderate voters
- Four percent among voters in New York’s suburbs
- Four percent among Latino voters
- Four percent among voters aged 35-54
- Four percent among unaffiliated religious voters
- Three percent among voters with $100K+ income
Pierce, 39, grew up as a successful child-actor, starring in 11 Hollywood films, including Disney’s The Mighty Ducks and First Kid, before becoming a successful entrepreneur as a young man. Inspired by technology and innovation, Pierce co-founded, advised, and funded more than 100 businesses and became a pioneer in blockchain technology and digital currencies. Pierce is a philanthropist, committed to improving people's lives, even while stepping into the political arena. Pierce announced his bid for the presidency on July 4th, America’s Independence Day.