Cubro Announces the EXA8 Challenge Winners

VIENNA--()--Cubro is pleased to announce the two winners of The Elevate the EXA8 Challenge - Srivats P and Michele Campus. Srivats is the solo founder, developer, and maintainer of the open-source Ostinato packet generator. Ostinato is an open-source, cross-platform traffic generator based on libpcap. He started work on Ostinato in 2007 when he was unable to afford expensive commercial traffic generator solutions and found that no affordable alternatives existed. Therefore, he decided to create one and release it as open-source software. The first public release was in 2010 and the project reached its official 1.0 release in 2019. The most recent release, as of this writing, is version 1.1 and was released in June 2020.

Srivats saw the EXA8 as an opportunity to create a feature-rich, traffic generating hardware appliance. His contest entry transformed the EXA8 into a centralized packet generation device for a network. Users can craft individual packets and traffic streams through the locally hosted Web UI to test how network devices will handle a multitude of protocols and traffic speeds. A Python API offers automation capabilities, while an experimental web client has been developed specifically for the EXA8 project to offer remote control of the device. The port density of the EXA8 allows a user to test multiple devices concurrently or enables multiple users shared access to the same traffic generator.

For more information on Ostinato visit:

For a link to Srivats’ project visit GitHub:

The second winner Michele Campus was motivated by a desire to bring Deep Packet Inspection and protocol analysis to the EXA8. He set his sights on bringing the TICK stack, along with the latest releases of NTOPng and nDPI, to the ARM64 platform. The TICK Stack (comprised of Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, and Kapacitor) is a collection of open-source components that, together, make it possible to store and visualize time-series data. nDPI is the Deep Packet Inspection library used by NTOPng to inspect L7 traffic and determine the protocol in use (instead of relying on L4 header information). The addition of the TICK stack to the ARM64 architecture provides a powerful resource for a multitude of applications that leverage time series databases.

To learn more about NTOPng 4 visit:

For more information on the TICK stack see:


Tamanna Bhatia
Marketing & Communications Manager
+43 12982666312

Release Summary

Cubro is pleased to announce the two winners of the EXA8 Challenge - Srivats P and Michele Campus.


Tamanna Bhatia
Marketing & Communications Manager
+43 12982666312