Equitable Holdings, Inc. Schedules Announcement of Second Quarter 2020 Results
Equitable Holdings, Inc. Schedules Announcement of Second Quarter 2020 Results
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH) announced today that it will release financial results for the second quarter of 2020 after the market closes on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. The company will host a conference call webcast on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. ET to discuss the results.
The conference call webcast, along with additional earnings materials will be accessible on the company’s investor relations website at ir.equitableholdings.com.
To register for the conference call, please use this link: http://www.directeventreg.com/registration/event/9154968.
After registering, you will receive an email confirmation including dial in details and a unique conference call code for entry. Registration is open through the live call. To ensure you are connected for the full call we suggest registering a day in advance or at minimum 10 minutes before the start of the call.
Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EQH) is a financial services holding company comprised of two complementary and well-established principal franchises, Equitable and AllianceBernstein. Founded in 1859, Equitable provides advice, protection and retirement strategies to individuals, families and small businesses. AllianceBernstein is a global investment management firm that offers high-quality research and diversified investment services to institutional investors, individuals and private wealth clients in major world markets. Equitable Holdings has approximately 12,000 employees and financial professionals, $646 billion in assets under management (as of 3/31/19) and more than 5 million client relationships globally.
Equitable is the brand name for Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company and its affiliates.
Investor Relations:
Jessica Baehr: +1.212.314.2476
Media Relations:
Matt Asensio: +1.212.314.2010