Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware Slams Delaware Department of Correction and Governor Carney for Politicizing Mask Donations

The DOC rejected 4,600 masks from Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware in May, claiming a lack of need, but accepted 5,000 masks from the REFORM Alliance, another grassroots group

WILMINGTON, Del.--()--Following news that in-person visitations have resumed at Delaware prisons, largely thanks to a donation of 5,000 masks given by the REFORM Alliance, Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware Campaign Manager Chris Coffey released the following statement:

“We offered 4,600 masks to the Delaware Department of Correction (DOC) to protect inmates nearly two months ago, but were turned away by the agency, which claimed it had ‘sufficient supply chain’ to procure the masks it needed.

“That the DOC accepted masks when they came from the REFORM Alliance makes it painfully clear that this was a politically-motivated lie. In fact, DOC Commissioner Claire DeMatteis admitted that ‘without this donation, we would have to purchase masks’ to provide to visitors to the prison.

“My question is: why is Delaware’s DOC picking and choosing organizations to take protective equipment from in the middle of a deadly pandemic that disproportionately affects vulnerable communities, especially inmates and people of color? Even worse, it’s clear that Commissioner DeMatteis, who was appointed by Governor Carney, who we’ve publicly criticized for his handling of the Covid-19 crisis, is making these decisions based on political considerations, rather than prioritizing public health.

“It’s despicable that when we offered direct help to the DOC, Commissioner DeMatteis and Governor Carney chose to play politics and put inmates’ lives at risk, but now that help is coming from a more politically palatable group, they’ve welcomed the aid with open arms.

“I’m disappointed but frankly, I’m not surprised. This is just another example of the ‘Delaware Way’ that protects the interests of the elites over everyday Delawareans, to the point that the DOC would rather put people’s lives on the line than accept a donation from a group that challenges Delaware’s corrupt status quo.”

Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware is a group made up of more than 5,000 members including employees of the global translation services company TransPerfect, as well as concerned Delaware residents, business executives and others. They formed in April of 2016 to focus on raising awareness with Delaware residents, elected officials, and other stakeholders about the unprecedented forced sale of TransPerfect. While their primary goal of saving the company has been accomplished, they continue their efforts to fight for more transparency in the Delaware Chancery Court. For more information on Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware or to join the cause, visit


Chris Coffey,


Chris Coffey,