Luxxur™ Herbicide Knocks out Wild Oat in Wheat Fields

New Bayer herbicide provides excellent control of wild oat, plus other grass and broadleaf weeds in durum, spring and winter wheat

Figure 1: The Impact of Luxxur™ Herbicide on Wild Oat (Photo: Business Wire)

ST. LOUIS--()--As a highly competitive grass weed, wild oat can cause devastating yield losses in wheat fields. Fortunately, with Luxxur™ herbicide from Bayer, growers can knock out wild oat and increase the yield potential of their crop.

Luxxur herbicide provides excellent control of Group 1 resistant grasses, such as wild oat,” said Bayer Cereal Expert Carrie Pederson. “I’m excited because Luxxur herbicide gives growers another option for managing weeds, like wild oat. Problems with weeds can grow exponentially, year after year. Luxxur herbicide is a new tool we have to combat those specific weeds cereal growers are dealing with.”

Classified as a Group 2 herbicide, Luxxur is designed to provide enhanced post-emergence control of wild oat in durum, spring and winter wheat fields. In fact, Luxxur demonstrated 90 percent or greater control of wild oat in wheat fields in Bayer agronomic development trials (Figure 1).

In addition to using Luxxur herbicide for post-emergence control, growers can take the following steps to help provide long-term control and prevent the spread of wild oat in their wheat fields:

  • Prior to planting, apply a burndown of RT3® herbicide or a Roundup® brand agricultural herbicide tankmixed with Olympus® 70% Water Dispersible Granular Herbicide
  • Rotate crops from one season to another
  • Avoid deep plowing and till minimally in weed-infested fields
  • Clean implements before moving to a new field

Not only does Luxxur knock out wild oat, but it also provides excellent control of other weeds, including Canada thistle, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, dandelions and narrow-leaved hawksbeard. In a 2019 trial conducted by Bayer in Montana, fields treated with Luxxur demonstrated more than 80 percent control of green foxtail, 90 percent control of narrow-leaved hawksbeard and 95 percent control of common lambsquarters 28 days after application (Figure 2).

I’ve been pretty impressed with how well the weeds are kept down with Luxxur,” said Pederson. “We’re seeing excellent weed control, so we’re pretty excited.”

In addition to weed control, Luxxur herbicide offers rotational flexibility, giving growers the opportunity to rotate back to pulse crops, such as lentils or field peas in the following season.

To learn more about Luxxur herbicide, contact your local Bayer Cereal Expert or visit

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ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Technology® includes glyphosate-based herbicide technologies.

Performance may vary, from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on the grower’s fields.

Not all products are registered in all states and may be subject to use restrictions. The distribution, sale, or use of an unregistered pesticide is a violation of federal and/or state law and is strictly prohibited. Check with your local dealer or representative for the product registration status in your state. Tank mixtures: The applicable labeling for each product must be in the possession of the user at the time of application. Follow applicable use instructions, including application rates, precautions and restrictions of each product used in the tank mixture. Not all tank mix product formulations have been tested for compatibility or performance other than specifically listed by brand name. Always predetermine the compatibility of tank mixtures by mixing small proportional quantities in advance. Bayer, Bayer Cross, Luxxur™, Olympus®, Roundup Technology®, RT 3® and Varro® are trademarks of Bayer Group. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at Bayer CropScience LP, 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63167. ©2020 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.


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Kevin Cencula
Crop Science, a division of Bayer
Tel: (919) 698-6516

Erica Ballmer
Rhea + Kaiser
Tel: (630) 955-2514


Bayer Media Hotline, 1-862-404-5118, or

Kevin Cencula
Crop Science, a division of Bayer
Tel: (919) 698-6516

Erica Ballmer
Rhea + Kaiser
Tel: (630) 955-2514