DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Worldwide Wound Care Market Summary" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
Wound care is very much a challenge for both patients and healthcare providers.
The wound care market is a technologically enriched environment dedicated to advancing wound care therapies.
This report identifies a market opportunity for major sectors of this important market. A particular focus is given to biotechnology used in wound care, including advanced biodressings and negative pressure wound systems. The report focuses on wound care advancements, providing a table of newly approved wound care products for 2019.
The aging of the population and continued advances in biotechnology drive the wound care industry. It is the goal of new and existing product manufacturers to offer products designed to improve healing rates and prevent wound formation.
Market data in the report includes:
World Market
- Total Worldwide Wound Care Market Revenues 2019-2024
- Top Five Competitors in the Worldwide Wound Care Market 2019 (%)
- Total Worldwide Wound Care Market Revenues 2017-2018
Total Market by Segment
- Worldwide Wound Care Revenues by Segment (Surgical and Trauma, Skin Ulcers, Burns) 2019
- Worldwide Wound Care Revenues by Segment (Surgical and Trauma, Skin Ulcers, Burns) 2019 (%)
Market Segments by Application
- Total Worldwide Surgical and Trauma Segment Percentages by Application 2019 (Wound Closure, Anti-infectives, Wound Mgmt, Moist Dressings, Biologic Dressings, Misc)
- Total Worldwide Skin Ulcers Segment Percentages by Application 2019 (Pressure Relief, NPWT, Anti-infectives, Biologic Dressings, Misc, Moist Dressing, Ulcer Mgmt)
- Total Worldwide Burn Segment Percentages by Application 2019 (Pressure Relief, Anti-infectives, Burn Mgmt, Misc, Moist Dressings, Biologic Dressings)
Market by Application
- Total Worldwide Wound Care Closure Market Revenues by Application 2019 ($ millions) (Wound Closure, Anti-infectives, Wound Management, Moist Dressings, Biologics, Pressure Relief, NPWT, Misc)
- Total Worldwide Wound Care Wound Closure Market Revenues 2019-2024 ($ millions)
- Total Worldwide Wound Closure Breakout 2019 by Percent (Sutures, Staples, Adhesives)
- Total Worldwide Anti-Infective Wound Care Market Revenues 2019-2024 ($ millions)
- Total Worldwide Wound Management Market Revenues 2019-2024 ($ millions)
- Total Worldwide Wound Management Market Breakout by Percent 2019 (Cleansing, Debridement, Tapes, Bandages, Silver)
- Total Worldwide Moist Wound Care Market Revenues 2019-2024 ($ millions)
- Total Worldwide Moist Wound Care Market Breakout by Percent 2019 (Alginates, Hydrocolloids, Hydrogels, Films, Foams)
- Total Worldwide Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Market Revenues 2019-2024 ($ millions)
- Total Worldwide Biological Wound Care Market Revenues 2019-2024 ($ millions)
- Total Worldwide Biological Wound Care Market Breakout by Percent 2019 (Skin Sub/Regenerative, Collagen, Growth Factors, Others)
- Total Worldwide Pressure Relief Wound Care Market Revenues 2019-2024 ($ millions)
- Total Worldwide Miscellaneous Wound Care Market Revenues 2019-2024 ($ millions)
- Total Worldwide Market Segment Summary Revenues by Application (Wound Closure, Anti-infectives, Wound Management, Moist Dressings, NPWT, Biologic Dressings, Pressure Relief, Miscellaneous) 2019-2024 in $ millions
The report also contains current market size for the total wound care products market for the following countries and regions:
- Total Wound Care Market by Region and Country Breakdown 2019 ($ millions; %) (United States; Europe: Germany, France, UK, Italy, Others; Japan; Rest of World: China, Brazil, Canada, India, Others)
- Total Worldwide Wound Care Market by Region by Percent 2019 (United States, Europe, Japan, Rest of World)
- Total Worldwide Wound Care Market by Region by Percent 2024 (United States, Europe, Japan, Rest of World)
Advancements in biotechnology, biomaterials, and tissue engineering are expected to drive growth in the market during the report's forecast period. Growth is also being driven by the introduction of portable, single-use products in negative pressure wound therapy.
Worldwide Wound Care Market Summary provides an outline of the competitive market, including the following data points:
- Total Worldwide Wound Care Market Competitor Summary Revenues and Market Share by Supplier 2019 ($ millions; %)
- Total Worldwide Wound Care Market Competitor Summary by Percent 2019
Industry participants have attempted to diversify their offerings by acquiring smaller companies with new and innovative technology. This move has created more competition among large wound care companies.
Key Topics Covered:
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Scope and Methodology
- Size and Growth of the Market
- Trends Affecting The Market
- Changes in Reimbursement
- Changes in Competitive Bidding
- Competitive Outlook
Chapter 2: Total Worldwide Wound Care Market Size, Forecast, and Competitive Analysis
- Market Summary
- Total Market By Segment
- Surgical and Trauma Wounds by Application
- Skin Ulcer Wounds by Application
- Burn Wounds by Application
- Market by Application
- Total Market By Region
- Competitive Market Summary
Chapter 3: Wound Care Advancements
- Newly Approved Products
Chapter 4: Top Five Company Profiles
- Johnson & Johnson
- Company Overview
- Performance Review
- 3M Health Care
- Company Overview
- Performance Review
- Moinlycke Healthcare, LLC
- Company Overview
- Performance Review
- Medtronic, Inc.
- Company Overview
- Performance Review
- Smith & Nephew
- Company Overview
- Performance Review
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/g31rxc