Nexus Services Announces Sweeping Assistance Program for Immigrant Community in Response to Coronavirus

 Leading Immigrant Rights Organization Invests to Support Clients at the Forefront of Global Pandemic, Focusing on Securing the Release of Immigrants in Detention to Avoid a Human Rights Catastrophe as the Virus Spreads to American Jails

VERONA, Va.--()--Nexus Services, Inc. announced today an innovative program to provide assistance and relief for its clients nationwide, currently totaling nearly 30,000 (with nearly 100,000 immediate families impacted). The company’s core function is providing a host of services to the immigrant community, including helping release people from detention and reunite them with their families. Nexus clients are inherently more at risk of contracting a virus, given their propensity to have traveled across international borders, as well as exposure to thousands of people in cramped quarters while in detention.

The assistance program will be comprised of three main pillars, all of which are funded entirely by Nexus at no cost to clients or US taxpayers:

  • Legal Support – the CDC has issued the guidance that people across the country should consider social distancing whenever possible to prevent further spreading of the coronavirus. For that reason, it’s never been more critical to help detained immigrants than when a virus is spreading rapidly across borders. The company is unveiling a commitment to fund the representation of any immigrant across all 50 states in a bond hearing before an immigration court. Importantly, the company has instructed all attorneys to aggressively aim for the least restrictive conditions possible for these clients, and will argue for release on recognizance so that no monetary bond will be required.
  • Medical Assistance – the company is also concerned with educating and treating its clients medically. With that in mind, Nexus announces that all Nexus program participants will be given access to a doctor who can provide education about the virus, and resources to find free testing in their communities. This service will educate immigrants on preventative care to avoid contracting the virus, jointly explore symptoms to help diagnose, and even prescribe medicine remotely if necessary. Nexus is a company that honors the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and it is in recognition of this inherent worth that the company commits all available resources to help Nexus clients stay safe and healthy.
  • Charitable Bail Assistance – the company will agree to act as indemnitor for up to 500 charitable immigration bonds for high-risk, indigent individuals incarcerated in immigration detention facilities, specifically the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, at no cost to the immigrant.

“Every community is in peril when a global pandemic is unfolding, but those locked away from society are extremely vulnerable. Often minority or socio-economically disadvantaged people, they face obstacles in the political, legal, health, education and economic realms, and its incumbent upon Nexus to do our part supporting these valued clients, as we always have,” said Mike Donovan, CEO of Nexus Services, Inc. “We hope these measures, helping people get free from detention to reunite with their loved ones, as well as seek elusive medical care that isn’t so simple to attain, will advance and affirm the inherent worth, dignity, and health of the community we loyally serve.”

Nexus Services, Inc. is a leading provider of immigrant bond securitization and of services provided to detained individuals. The organization funds Nexus Derechos Humanos Attorneys, Inc. as a part of its corporate giving to increase access to justice for disadvantaged people across the United States.


Crimson Solano


Crimson Solano