Rent Control Advocates Launch California TV Ads During Iowa Caucus Coverage

Housing Is A Human Right will premiere two advocacy and awareness ads on CNN and MSNBC in 6 California media markets—L.A., San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento, Fresno and Bakersfield—during news coverage of the Iowa Caucus returns

Ads are intended to educate and mobilize Californians—and press legislative leaders in Sacramento—toward meaningful and effective action on housing costs and rent control

LOS ANGELES--()--Following the welcome defeat of a deeply flawed housing production bill in the California Senate last week and as advocates await promising news of the certification of signatures for a ballot measure that will allow for expansion of rent control throughout California, Housing Is A Human Right (HHR) will premiere two television advocacy and awareness ads to educate and mobilize Californians—and press legislative leaders in Sacramento—toward meaningful and effective action on housing costs, including on rent control. The ads will premiere throughout California Monday night (Feb 3rd) during West Coast television news coverage of the Iowa Caucus returns.

The two 15-second ads will run in six major media markets throughout California including in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento, Fresno and Bakersfield. Ads will run in all markets on CNN and MSNBC (However, in L.A., only on CNN as well as on Direct TV).

The awareness ads include:

  • ‘The Squeeze’ – a single take, slow motion close-up of a hand tightly squeezing an orange dry as a narrator V.O. says: “Corporate landlords are squeezing California renters dry. Seniors, veterans and working-class families are being priced out of their homes and neighborhoods and forced to sleep in cars and on our streets. Join the movement and stop the squeeze...”
  • ‘Apocalypse’ – Several stark black & white tracking and drone shots of tents and the homeless on Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles with a voice over narration: “The apocalypse is now. How did homelessness get so bad? How much worse can it get? Rising rents are driving thousands onto the streets. California needs to expand rent control. Tell your elected officials, we need rent control now…”

“Last week, with the defeat of SB 50, we played a hand in stopping something bad. Now, we need to continue creating something good. These ads kick off a new statewide tenants’ rights advocacy and awareness campaign around housing affordability and on rent control,” said Michael Weinstein, president of AHF, which oversees the advocacy group, Housing Is A Human Right. “However, we need legislative leaders in Sacramento to also step up with more meaningful action on the state’s housing and homelessness crisis by crafting new legislation to both create and preserve truly affordable housing.”

Learn more at: and


René Christian Moya, Campaign Director, Housing Is a Human Right,, (323) 620-7835 cell
Ged Kenslea, AHF Communications Dir., (323) 791-5526 cell

Release Summary

Rent Control Advocates Launch California TV Ads During Iowa Caucus Coverage


René Christian Moya, Campaign Director, Housing Is a Human Right,, (323) 620-7835 cell
Ged Kenslea, AHF Communications Dir., (323) 791-5526 cell