NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Innovation Forum “Blockchain technology in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” was held successfully on January 15, 2020 at the United Nations. The Forum was organized by the Blockchain Alliance International (BAI) in collaboration with Permanent Missions of UN Member States, UN agencies, as well as global information and technology companies.
Following the call of the UN Secretary General António Guterres at the turn of the new year to embrace technologies like blockchain that can help accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, the event is part of a series of meetings and debates addressing the core value, benefits and potential application of blockchain in support of sustainable development.
At onset, ambassador Mrs. Milica Pejanovic Durisic, Permanent Representative of Montenegro to the United Nations congratulated the forum, reiterated the importance of the new technologies in achieving UN strategic objectives, and welcomed multi-stakeholder approach to deployment of technology for advancing the SDGs.
Circa 40 ambassadors, senior diplomats and representatives from Member State Missions of Montenegro, Belarus, Tajikistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Honduras, Paraguay, among others, multilateral organizations including the ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission, UN-Women, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as well as academia, private sector and civil society organizations including China Ethnic International Economic Cooperation Co., the Chinese Institute of Digital Assets (CIDA), Singapore Tai-E Cyber-Tech Pte. Ltd., Davox Technology AG, Tesra Supernet, ChainDD, Achain Galaxy, and Zhongdu High-tech attended the Forum.
Participants brought into discussions the use of blockchain technology in the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs, technological trends and realities for global economy, multi-stakeholder partnerships in developing new financial solutions to achieving SDGs. Prof. Jiaming Zhu, a well-known economist and CIDA director made a keynote presentation highlighting the importance of blockchain as the infrastructure in bridging the gap of trust crisis and trust deficit in global development. During the event, BAI also successfully enrolled a number of institutional and individual partners for the deployment of blockchain technologies around the world.
The forum is a major step in BAI’s collaboration with the United Nations. The outcome of the Forum and of future BAI events will complement the UN efforts as defined in the UN Secretary General’s Strategy on New Technologies towards the use of these technologies to accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and to facilitate their alignment with the values enshrined in the UN Charter and the norms and standards of international law.
The Blockchain Alliance International is a non-governmental organization with the aim to promote and facilitate the sustainable and inclusive development through the usage of new technologies. BAI collaborates with non-profit organizations, the private sector, academia, as well as government entities from countries and regions of the world, for the purpose of advancing digital development and digitization of people’s lives.