PlanetScale Unveils PlanetScale CNDb – First and Only Cloud Native Database Built on Vitess

DBaaS for Mission Critical Applications Debuts at KubeCon 2019

SAN DIEGO--()--KubeCon – PlanetScale, co-founded by CEO Jitendra Vaidya and CTO Sugu Sougoumarane – former YouTube engineers – today announced the general availability of PlanetScale CNDb, a fully managed cloud native database designed on Vitess, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosted open source project that serves massive scale production traffic at large web-scale companies like YouTube, Slack, and Square.

First created in 2010 as an internal solution at YouTube for scaling large amounts of storage using MySQL, the most popular open source database in the world, Vitess is a cloud native database system that delivers unmatched scale and flexibility. Vitess helps users migrate their stateful workloads to Kubernetes, scaling storage horizontally while presenting a MySQL compatible interface to applications - making it easy for application developers to adopt with minimal code changes.

“The PlanetScale team invented Vitess and now we have built a fully managed cloud native database, PlanetScale CNDb, that will always be the most trusted and complete service based on Vitess,” said PlanetScale CEO Jitendra Vaidya.

By 2022, 75 percent of all databases will be deployed or migrated to a cloud platform, according to Gartner. PlanetScale believes that infrastructure deployments of the future will be multi-cloud and will have built in support for disaster recovery and data locality. PlanetScale’s database-as-a-service enables this multi-vendor, Kubernetes powered, future in the cloud.

PlanetScale CNDb is built on two trusted technologies: Vitess and MySQL, which powers millions of applications. Among the key benefits of PlanetScale CNDb:

  • Future-proof Kubernetes. Whether you’ve already moved your applications to Kubernetes, or are just beginning to think about it, Vitess makes moving your data to Kubernetes easy.
  • Freedom from monolithic databases. What allows us to support the smallest databases to the largest? Meet shard, the unit of database within Vitess where we co-locate related data. As your data grows, scale up by splitting your database into more and more shards.
  • Vendor agnostic. As you consider migrating from self-hosted applications and databases to the cloud, PlanetScale provides a platform that can host your data on-prem and then seamlessly migrate it to the cloud provider of your choice or a multi-cloud cluster if you prefer.
  • Easy – no downtime, work seamlessly and grow. Worried that growing data will add operational complexity? Vitess is designed from ground up to provide guardrails and automations that allow you to scale your data without scaling your database team. PlanetScale workflows make it even easier.

PlanetScale will be debuting CNDb at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2019 on November 18-21 in San Diego. To learn more, visit the PlanetScale booth SE39 and join one of our presentations during the KubeCon program.

About PlanetScale

PlanetScale was founded in 2018 by the creators of Vitess - an open source project born at YouTube and hosted by CNCF that runs very large OLTP workloads at companies such as GitHub, Slack and Square. PlanetScale provides enterprise support for Vitess and offers a massively scalable multi-cloud transactional database-as-a-service using Vitess and Kubernetes. PlanetScale is backed by a16z and SignalFire and is based in Mountain View, CA.


Kaylin Deutscher
Access Brand Communications


Kaylin Deutscher
Access Brand Communications