Political Campaign Marketing Breakthrough: New Timely and Rich Issue Oriented Models Now Available at Prosper’s Model Factory

WORTHINGTON, Ohio--()--Political campaigns can now activate and/or append new audience models of current voter attitudes towards key campaign issues from Prosper’s new Model Factory on the AWS SageMaker platform. For political campaigns, detailed targeting models can now be activated for more relevant targeting across all media channels based upon voter interests and attitudes to numerous hot issues for this political season ranging.

Below are three examples of how political issues create passionate groups either for or against.

Political Issues-

September 2019 Data

Strongly Disagree/Disagree

Strongly Agree/Agree

The government should provide Medicare for all.



The government should enact stronger online/social media privacy laws.



We should tax the rich more to help pay for public programs.



The models cut across all political affiliations and are derived from current Prosper surveys which are updated each month with new attitudes towards issues and beliefs held by voters. In addition, the models are 100% privacy compliant and do not violate voter privacy.

“Prosper has been a strong advocate for consumer privacy for over 20 years,” said Phil Rist, EVP of Prosper Insights & Analytics. “Prosper anonymously captures over 3000 data elements from each respondent to our monthly survey. These rich insights now offer political campaign managers the ability to enhance voter lists or develop timely, accurate and unique targeting models plus relevant voter messaging across all media channels,” said Rist.

In addition to off the shelf models, bespoke models can be created with unique features including psychographics, political issues, attitudes, lifestyle preferences or a combination thereof. Campaigns wishing to stand out from the clutter of competing ads can hone in on what topics will appeal to various voter segments.

To view a list of models currently available, please visit: https://prospermodelfactory.com/models-available

About Prosper:

Prosper Insights & Analytics is a global leader in consumer intent data serving financial services, marketing technology, retail and marketing industries. We provide global authoritative market information on US and China consumers via curated insights and analytics. By integrating Prosper's unique consumer data with a variety of other data, including behavioral, attitudinal and media, Prosper helps companies accurately predict consumers' future behavior and optimize marketing efforts and improve the effectiveness of demand generation campaigns. www.ProsperModelFactory.com


Phil Rist