Why Customer Experience Management Really Matter for Retail Companies | Read Infiniti’s Latest Success Story to Gather Detailed Insights


Customer experience management strategy for a retail company

LONDON--()--Infiniti Research, a leading market intelligence solutions provider, has recently announced the completion of their latest customer experience management strategy for a retail company. During this engagement, the experts at Infiniti Research helped the client to devise a customer-centric business model and enhance customer retention rate by 33%. Also, this article explains in detail the approach undertaken by the experts at Infiniti Research to help the client acquire new customers and enhance customer retention rate by 33%.

Today’s competitive retail marketplace demands retail companies to personalize the customer experience across every communication touchpoint. Also, analyzing the customer buying journey is becoming vital for retail companies to devise targeted sales and marketing approaches. However, achieving these objectives becomes extremely difficult without the right business partner to support in research and information needs. As such, retail companies are partnering with firms like Infiniti Research to leverage their expertise in offering customer experience management solutions.

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The business challenge: The client is a retail company based out of North America. The client faced challenges in gathering customer insights and analyzing their buying journey. Also, they faced difficulties in delivering products and services that meet their customers’ needs. As a result, the company encountered a huge dip in their sales. They even stated losing their valuable customers to their competitors. Therefore, they approached the experts at Infiniti Research to leverage their expertise in offering customer experience management solution.

By leveraging Infiniti’s customer experience management solution, the client wanted to devise targeted marketing and promotional activities to attract new customers and retain valuable ones. In addition, they wanted to devise a customer-centric business model and reduce the customer churn rate.

Our customer experience management solution can help you convert prospects into long-term customers. Contact us.

The solution offered: By conducting a customer segmentation analysis, our experts helped the client to identify lucrative customer segments and categorize them based on their value for the brand. Also, our experts conducted a customer needs assessment, where they helped the client to understand their customers’ needs and demands.

Furthermore, by conducting customer buying journey mapping, we helped the client to understand how customers interacted with the brand and analyze areas that needed improvement. The insights obtained from the engagement helped the client to devise a sound customer experience management strategy. Also, the client was able to enhance customer retention rate by 33%.

Infiniti’s customer experience management solution helped the client to:

  • Fine-tune their marketing strategies and better engage with target customer segments
  • Shift to a customer-focused business model
  • Wondering how your business can benefit from our customer experience management solution? Request more information from our experts!

Infiniti’s customer experience management solution offered predictive insights on:

  • Understanding the shortcomings of the company in meeting the needs and requirements of customers
  • Reducing customer churn and enhancing profitability
  • Want to gain more insights into our services portfolio? Request free brochure.

About Infiniti Research

Established in 2003, Infiniti Research is a leading market intelligence company providing smart solutions to address your business challenges. Infiniti Research studies markets in more than 100 countries to help analyze competitive activity, see beyond market disruptions, and develop intelligent business strategies. To know more, visit: https://www.infinitiresearch.com/about-us


Infiniti Research
Anirban Choudhury
Marketing Manager
US: +1 844 778 0600
UK: +44 203 893 3400

Release Summary

Infiniti Research has announced the completion of their latest customer experience management strategy for a retail company.


Infiniti Research
Anirban Choudhury
Marketing Manager
US: +1 844 778 0600
UK: +44 203 893 3400