Piper Offers PiperCode Spanish and Piper Premium Curriculum

Expands the STEAM Experience for Educators, Classrooms and Students

SAN FRANCISCO--()--Piper, a leading STEAM education provider announced two new additions that enable wider access and equity to the award-winning Piper Computer Kit and PiperCode. The new additions address the current gaps in access and equity to STEAM education and arm educators with a standards-aligned, best practice informed yet low lift digital curriculum resource. PiperCode, the project-based learning software that powers the Piper Computer Kit now provides multilingual support. PiperCode Spanish enables wider access to STEAM and Computer Science education and will be available by an update late spring, 2019.

PiperCode Spanish:

The population of English Language Learners (ELL) in US public schools is now close to 4.6 million, and equal access to STEAM learning opportunities is critical to avoid underrepresentation in the workforce. As a continuation of Piper’s mission to create greater access to STEAM and Computer Science education opportunities, PiperCode expands to offer multilingual learning. Addressing the critical need for STEAM education ELL resources, Piper chose to provide PiperCode Spanish as its first offering. The traditionally underserved English learners and those who are learning a second language or Dual language learners (DLL) can explore computational thinking, increased comprehension and build stronger connections in both language and coding with PiperCode Spanish. Accessed through a free Piper Computer Kit update, PiperCode Spanish is available early May, as a free update to the Piper Computer Kit.

Piper’s mission is to empower students and educators with better access to STEAM learning. When we designed the hands-on Piper experience, equity was part of our vision,” said Melissa Belardi, Head of Curriculum and Instruction, Piper. “If we can change the life of just one student through our dynamic, engaging and student-centered Computer Science and STEAM program, we will be doing our job.”

Piper Premium Curriculum:

Even seasoned STEAM educators face the challenge of having the latest and most up to date versions of STEAM curricula and educator resources. According to a 2018 report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, many STEAM educators are not adequately prepared to provide robust learning opportunities that foster simultaneous content knowledge and language development in the classroom.

Supporting teachers with robust, easy to implement resources can have a profoundly positive effect on the success of STEAM education programs. The new Piper Premium Curriculum is a web-based curriculum that is standards aligned and designed around the 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Evaluate, Elaborate) instructional model. Piper Premium Curriculum equips educators with the requisite tools and preparation to effectively engage students in collaborative STEAM learning.

Piper Premium Curriculum is a web based online portal where educators can access engaging project-based STEAM lesson plans for inquiry-based instruction, enhanced with rubrics, assessments and vocabulary. Teachers never have to worry about out of date versions, Piper will support the Piper Premium Curriculum Platform with continuous updates. A one stop portal with everything needed for increased teacher support, the Piper Premium Curriculum is aligned to K-12 Computer Science, NGSS and Common Core Standards for grade 3 - 8.

All students, including English learners, should have opportunities and equal access to participate in STEAM learning,” said Rebeca Andrade, Director of Early Education and Expanded Learning Programs Director, Glendale Unified School District. “Organizing schools and preparing teachers so both educators and students can reach their full potential in STEAM can transform the lives of individual students as well as the lives of teachers, schools and society as a whole.”

"The population of English learners in public schools has grown to almost 4.6 million students nationwide," said Jose Vasquez, STEM Program Manager, Porterville Unified School District. "It is exciting to see Piper addressing the needs of the traditionally underserved ELL students with their launch of PiperCode Spanish, helping close the equity and access gap for STEAM Education."

About Piper

Piper, Inc. founded in 2014, and located in San Francisco, CA is an award-winning STEAM education company committed to providing quality STEAM learning experiences to students in K-12 classrooms around the globe. Piper creates classroom solutions that are student-centered, hands-on and backed by the most current pedagogy. Piper supports educators with an easy to implement curriculum for teaching STEAM that is standards-aligned along with teacher professional development to ensure a success implementation. Piper’s goal is to build confidence in STEAM through project-based learning, spread digital fluency to students of all backgrounds and inspire the inventors of tomorrow.


Sarah Duckett


Sarah Duckett