United States Investing Championship First Month Results

LOS ANGELES--()--The United States Investing Championship today reported the leaders for the first month of 2019. Leading the pack was Peter Chen, + 31.7%, from San Diego, California. Peter received a bachelor's degree from MIT and a masters from Harvard. He works in data analytics. Peter owes some of his success to a thorough reading of the books “Market Wizards” by Jack Schwager, and “Enhancing Trader Performance” by Dr. Brett Steenburger. Second overall, is Leif Soreide, + 14.6%, from Davie, Florida. Leif received an MBA in 2002 from the University of Miami. He attributes part of his success to cutting losses short, and letting the winners ride, a tactic common to top traders. Third overall is Gordon Elvey, + 10.4%, from London, UK. Gordon graduated from the University of Southampton. He is a former investment management manager with over twenty years of experience. Fourth overall is David Richards, + 9.9%, from Dallas, Texas. Mr. Richards received an MBA from the University of Florida and is a certified financial planner. He is a student of both William O’Neal, who founded Investors Business Daily, and Mark Minervini, a former USIC winner. Mr. Richards is a Captain for American Airlines with 33 years of experience. Fifth is Alok Bhatia, + 8.1%, from Singapore. Alok studied engineering in India and has worked for JP Morgan Chase (based in London) and GE Capital (based in Tokyo), managing a portion of their funds. Rounding up the first month standings are Deepak Uppal, + 7.5%, from Illinois, Jose Burgos, + 6.8%, from Puerto Rico, Dana Burns, + 4.0%, from North Carolina, Adam Ravat, + 3.1%, from Texas, Ransom Moats, + 3.0%, from Florida, Mohammad Alseaidan, + 2.1%, from Kuwait, Carlos Perez Ruixo, + 1.3%, from Spain, Stanley Zaslau, + 1.4%, and Thomas Ryun, + .4%.

The United States Investing Championship is a real money verified competition which seeks to give up and coming top traders an opportunity to show their talent on the world stage. It was started in 1983 and ran for eleven years, ending in 1993. The competition was restarted at the end of 2018. Over the years, it has attracted legendary traders, including Paul Tudor Jones, Louis Bacon, Dr. Edward O. Thorpe, Mark Strome, Mark Minervini, David Ryan, Doug Kass, Sheen Kassouf, Marty Schwartz, Frankie Joe, Tom Basso, Cedd Moses, Gil Blake, Robert Prechter, Jr., and Bruno Combier. Participants identify real accounts which are then tracked and their performance verified. This separates the United States Investing Championship from rating services that take the manager’s word for their performance claims.

Adam Ravat was the only reporting competitor trading a $1 million plus account. The standings also appear on the website financial-competitions.com. Financial-competitions.com shows some of the historical press coverage of the United States Investing Championship, and also allows new competitors to sign up to have their performance tracked from the date of their entry. The competition is run by Dr. Norman Zadeh, a former Stanford professor, former publisher of the magazine Perfect 10, and son of Lotfi Zadeh, the creator of fuzzy logic.

For more information, contact Dr. Norman Zadeh at norman@financial-competitions.com, or 310-409-7193, or 310-476-0700.


United States Investing Championship
Dr. Norman Zadeh
310-409-7193 or 310-476-0700

Release Summary

United States Investing Championship Current Standings



United States Investing Championship
Dr. Norman Zadeh
310-409-7193 or 310-476-0700