PGW Advises Public about Criminals Posing as Utility Employees

PHILADELPHIA--()--It is a sad fact that unscrupulous people will turn the very trust people have in their utility providers into a tool for their criminal activities. It has happened before, and this past weekend it happened again in a high profile robbery where criminals posing as Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) employees lied to gain access to a person’s home.

Unfortunately, not everyone is who they claim to be and these recent incidents are a reminder that we all need to remain vigilant against imposters. Follow these tips to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Be Sure Before You Open the Door - Before letting anyone claiming to be a utility worker into your home or business, always ask for identification. Do not allow any person you don't know into your home or provide personal information – such as your phone number or account number – without verifying that they are who they claim to be.

All PGW employees have:

  • ID badges
  • Official PGW vehicles with clearly visible PGW logos; most also have municipal license plates

If you’re even the slightest bit unsure about a person’s claim to be from PGW, call 911. The Philadelphia Police Department has a direct line to PGW and can verify someone’s claim that they are at your property on legitimate PGW business. The worst that can happen is that a PGW employee has to wait a few minutes while you ensure your safety and security – it is not an inconvenience for us.

It is regrettable that criminal behavior requires each of us to take extra precautions, but a few minutes spent double-checking that people are who they claim to be means greater safety in your home.

Remember – Be Sure Before You Open the Door. Read more by downloading this handy brochure.

About PGW:

Founded in 1836, Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) is owned by the City of Philadelphia and is the largest municipally owned gas utility in the country. It manages a distribution system of approximately 6,000 miles of gas mains and service pipes supplying approximately 500,000 customers. PGW's operations are managed by a non-profit corporation, the Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation (PFMC). More information about the company is available at


Barry O’Sullivan

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Barry O’Sullivan