ARK Mediacom Demonstrates First End-to-End 5G Broadcast Network

CEDAR HILL, Texas--()--ARK Mediacom, Inc. (ARK) demonstrated the first end-to-end delivery of IP streaming video content in collaboration with key technology partners. The testing was successful utilizing the next generation ATSC 3.0 broadcast standard from studio origination to the consumer edge. This is an important benchmark in proving the ability to deliver IP video streaming services nationwide over the ARK broadcast network. This successful test demonstrates how ARK broadcast 5G will deliver OTT to the edge. Intelsat provided the satellite IP transmission. DigiCAP also participated by simultaneously streaming four discrete video streams over WiFi to a TV, laptop, tablet and smart phone.

Hitachi Comark served as system integrator along with technologists from 13 companies and 3 continents.

Dick Fiore, Hitachi Comark president commented, “Comark Digital Services was founded for this particular purpose, to bring about exciting new ways of utilizing the ATSC-3 standard to enhance the viewing experience, and to expand IP based services to areas that previously were under deployed.”

ARK CEO, Vern Fotheringham added that, “The most exciting thing about broadcast 5G is our now-demonstrated ability to simulcast content across a nationwide IP multicast network that enables virtually unlimited OTT video and IP data delivery directly to consumers. This is a stark contrast to the existing fixed and mobile carrier’s reliance on unicast one-to-one connection-based solutions that further impact the over-stressed architecture of today’s Internet.”

“Broadpeak is proud to be part of the ARK 5G ATSC 3.0 trials. The combination of our nanoCDN™ multicast ABR for satellite and BkS350 Origin Packager enables the recording, packaging and delivery via satellite of the most popular live shows and VOD content,” stated Jacques Le Mancq, Broadpeak CEO.

ARK Mediacom is a broadcast company on the cutting edge of technology and the next generation of content delivery throughout the USA. Leveraging the power of television broadcasting to add an IP multicast extension to the Internet, ARK will reduce the cost per GB delivery of OTT video content, software downloads and streamed IP media by two-three orders of magnitude compared to existing ISPs. Media content creators and distributors will benefit from ARK’s end-to-end direct delivery to the mobile and fixed devices of their audiences bypassing all of the existing gatekeepers.


ARK Mediacom
Vern Fotheringham, 425-442-4065
Josh Weiss, 469-964-9077

Release Summary

ARK Mediacom demonstrated the first successful end-to-end delivery of IP streaming video content in collaboration with its key technology partners.



ARK Mediacom
Vern Fotheringham, 425-442-4065
Josh Weiss, 469-964-9077