FCNL Decries Rollback of Obama-Era Clean Power Plan

WASHINGTON--()--The Quaker lobby, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) strongly opposes revisions to the Clean Power Plan. Today, the Trump Administration announced its draft plan to replace the Obama-era plan with the Affordable Clean Energy rule.

“We are profoundly disappointed with the Affordable Clean Energy rule,” said Diane Randall, Executive Secretary for FCNL. “By weakening the rule, the Trump Administration is threatening public health, risking lives, and exacerbating climate change.”

The climate crisis places a disproportionate burden on women and children, communities of color, low-income communities, and tribal nations both in the US and globally. The Clean Power Plan would have reduced emissions from electricity generation by 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, as originally written by President Obama’s administration. It was the strongest action ever taken by a U.S. president to address human caused emissions of greenhouse gases.

The Trump Administration’s Affordable Clean Energy rule demonstrates a frightening disregard for scientific fact and a clear prioritization of the interests of oil and gas companies. The new plan would considerably weaken the Clean Power Plan by allowing states to decide how and if they want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the efficiency of coal-fired power plants.

According to the EPA’s own technical analysis of the Affordable Clean Energy rule, carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants will continue to increase. The Clean Power Plan would have helped prevent up to 3,600 premature deaths each year. Conversely, the Trump EPA predicts that up to 1,400 premature deaths will occur annually by 2030 because of increased air particulates, based on proposed Affordable Clean Energy implementation plans.

“As people of faith, we have a moral calling to be faithful stewards of God’s creation and care for vulnerable peoples, but this new plan will do the exact opposite,” said Emily Wirzba, FCNL’s Legislative Representative for Sustainable Energy & Environment. “The recent wildfires, hurricanes, and floods that are devastating communities around the country paint a clear picture: the impacts of climate change are already happening and causing irreparable harm.”

FCNL urges the President to work within his administration and with Congress to develop and implement bipartisan solutions that will reduce emissions, protect public health, and care for the most vulnerable communities.

To learn more, please visit www.fcnl.org.

Founded in 1943 by members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), FCNL lobbies Congress and the administration for U.S. policies that advance peace, justice, and good government.


Friends Committee on National Legislation
Kristen Archer, 202-812-2223

Release Summary

The Quaker lobby, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) strongly opposes revisions to the Obama-Era Clean Power Plan.


Friends Committee on National Legislation
Kristen Archer, 202-812-2223