Calling All Scuba Divers: Oklahoma Aquarium to Allow One Lucky Diver in Bull Shark Tank

Inaugural contest to dive with bull sharks occurs during national Shark Week

The Oklahoma Aquarium is home to the world's largest collection of bull sharks. Bull sharks are considered to be one of the most dangerous species of sharks because of their aggressive behavior. Contest winner will have opportunity to dive with the sharks wearing a 45-pound chain metal suit. (Photo: Business Wire)

TULSA, Okla.--()--The Oklahoma Aquarium will celebrate Shark Week 2018 with an unprecedented event – a member of the public diving with the bull sharks. The Oklahoma Aquarium is home to the world’s largest collection of bull sharks and the tank has never been opened to an outside diver.

The pinnacle of the week-long celebration gives one lucky contest winner the opportunity to swim with the sharks in their world-renowned tank. The selected diver will be outfitted with a specialized 45 pound, $6,000 chainmail suit and a GoPro. He or she will then swim alongside two scuba-certified aquarium staff.

Contest entry forms are located by visiting All contest entrants must be scuba certified and are required to place his or her certification number on the application. The deadline for entry is Wednesday, July 18 and the drawing will take place on Thursday, July 19 via Facebook Live to announce the winner. Date of dive will happen between July 20-24.

Bull sharks are best known by their aggressive behavior and are considered one of the most dangerous of the shark species. They are found in warm shallow waters across all oceans of the world. Bull sharks live up to 16 years in the wild, grow from seven to 11.5 feet and weigh anywhere between 200-500 pounds. Currently, the aquarium has 10 bull sharks in the collection.

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Marnie Fernandez, 918-381-4505

Release Summary

The Oklahoma Aquarium kicks off Shark Week with an unprecedented event - a chance to swim with the world's largest collection of bull sharks.


Marnie Fernandez, 918-381-4505