ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Have you ever called your own cell phone to hear what your callers hear? You probably have one or more of the 5 Most Frustrating voice mail phrases on your cell phone. That’s what your callers are hearing.
Nancy Friedman, one of the country’s leading experts on customer service, communications and telephone skills and the founder and President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training ( in St. Louis, MO. has some advice about what not to put on your cell phone that will leave a good impression.
This 2:40 video is both informative and entertaining. And after you view it, you’ll be changing your voicemail message the callers hear. ASAP.
Nancy Friedman has spoken to thousands of sales people and customer service employees how not to shoot themselves in the foot with a telephone. Friedman travels the country helping businesses improve their customer service by training their employees to communicate better with their customers and co-workers. She also offers a customer service online training platform.
She’s trained executives, managers and employees at large companies like AT&T, Symantec, WGN TV and the Chicago Cubs; as well as other corporate firms like C.H.I. Overhead Doors, SiteOne Landscape Supply, and CARX; groups like the Florida Independent Auto Dealers Association and the National Association of Realtors; as well as government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.
Friedman is the author of nine books relating to improving customer service and has appeared on The Today Show, Oprah, CNN, CBS This Morning, Fox News and has been published in The Wall Street Journal.
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