Podchaser Inc. Closes on Seed Round, Plans to Shape the Future of Podcasting

LOUISVILLE, Ky.--()--Podchaser, a podcasting database startup, announced today the completion of a seed round of investment, led by investor Matt Luckett and accompanied by Cornick Capital Ventures, Ed Glasscock, Dave Heath, Kentucky Enterprise Fund, Gill Holland, Rounsavall Investments, and more.

“We are excited to help shape the blossoming podcasting space,” says Bradley Davis, CEO of Podchaser.

The round will be used to build and market Podchaser’s unique features such as custom podcast lists, profile pages for podcast creators and networks, and integrations with existing podcast players.

"With its innovative database and discovery solutions for the booming world of podcasting, the team at Podchaser is poised to make Louisville, KY a leader in new media markets,” says Paul Ehlinger, Associate Fund Manager at Kentucky Enterprise Fund.

Podchaser is becoming the go-to podcast database and podcast discovery tool. Their library of more than 18 million podcast episodes and powerful search engine makes podcast discovery easy as it sorts and filters by category, user tags, ratings, and more. Users can rate and review not just podcasts, but individual episodes as well. Shareable reviews make it easy for podcast creators to engage with their listeners and partner with Podchaser for promotional giveaways to expand their audience.

Led by CEO Bradley Davis, the company has experienced rapid growth since officially launching beta testing in July 2017. More than 2,000 podcast creators are registered on Podchaser, and that number is quickly rising in anticipation of upcoming features. Podchaser has partnered with many podcast player apps like Player FM, RadioPublic, Podible, and Procast. Many of these partners are working to integrate Podchaser ratings and other data within their apps, helping solidify Podchaser as the go-to podcast database.

“Podchaser's mission to better organize and contribute to the body of podcasting data has always been ambitious,” said Bradley Davis. “Now, with financial and experiential support, largely from the local region, our ambition is being turned into reality. We are excited to help shape the blossoming podcasting space.”

For more information, visit www.podchaser.com.

About Podchaser

Podchaser is a podcast database company based in Louisville, Kentucky with founders in Louisville, Indianapolis, and Australia. Founded in 2016, Podchaser is being built to be the go-to podcast database and discovery tool. For more information, visit www.podchaser.com.


Podchaser, Inc.
Cole Raven, Co-Founder


Podchaser, Inc.
Cole Raven, Co-Founder