Westinghouse Accident Tolerant Fuel Development Moves Forward with Cooperation Agreement with ENUSA

MADRID--()--Westinghouse Electric Company today announced that it will collaborate in the development of its EnCore® Fuel, the revolutionary accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) design, with ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas (ENUSA) through a Frame Cooperation Agreement (FCA).

This agreement serves to strengthen the technical and commercial relations between ENUSA and Westinghouse as we work to develop leading nuclear fuel technology,” said Torbjörn Norén, European Fuel Group and EMEA Fuel Delivery Director at Westinghouse. “Westinghouse’s work with ENUSA in the Spanish and European Fuel Group markets will help to facilitate agreements with customers to launch EnCore Fuel demonstration programs in their plants.”

Under the terms of the agreement, the newly signed FCA establishes the framework that will regulate the different Joint Development Programs (JDPs) to be launched between both companies. The first JDP will evaluate the application of the segmented rod concept and develop models of ATF / EnCore fuel behavior.

The first JDP will be followed by other JDPs in the area of codes and methods, spent fuel management, and fuel fabrication and inspection technology.


Westinghouse Electric Company
Sarah Cassella, +1 412-374-4744
Manager, External Communications
Email: cassels@westinghouse.com


Westinghouse Electric Company
Sarah Cassella, +1 412-374-4744
Manager, External Communications
Email: cassels@westinghouse.com