SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE), the cloud-based discovery platform on a mission to make discovery instant and accessible for everyone, today announced that it has released a groundbreaking feature that allows legal and compliance professionals to search and review content created, stored and shared in Slack, the leading enterprise communication and collaboration tool. The feature makes data captured within the Slack platform readable, searchable, redactable and producible, adding yet another valuable discovery tool to Logikcull’s SaaS-based platform.
Used by millions of users collectively to send billions of messages daily, Slack has become ubiquitous in the workplace. Although the tool dramatically improves productivity, the content that it generates can create significant challenges and complexities for legal and compliance professionals who are tasked with parsing it to resolve disputes ranging from small matters to bet-the-company litigation.
With the new Slack integration feature, Logikcull users can now ingest files exported directly from Slack as well as Slack archives. This allows users to organize and make sense of the communication logs contained within the Slack platform, so they can be easily searched and reviewed in order to discover pertinent case material. Logikcull has also engineered a new feature that helps reveal changes to messages and records of deleted conversations that would otherwise be hidden.
“The tools used to process, search and review information for legal disputes weren’t designed to handle the abundance of new data sources that are created daily,” said Andy Wilson, CEO and Co-Founder of Logikcull. “We’re building a platform that adapts to the rapidly changing way in which people communicate and the legal and compliance hurdles that creates. This new feature is a big step forward in terms of bringing new, modern-day innovations to the legal market as well as fulfilling our company mission to make all data sources discoverable.”
Whereas the process of legal discovery -- the exchange of information between opposing parties -- has traditionally involved voluminous email and other electronic and paper documents, the emergence of chat-based messaging has introduced a new and particularly thorny source of evidence. Among the biggest challenges is reckoning with the disintegration of the traditional document, the unit of information legal teams typically exchange as evidence and which is being replaced by structureless, freeform communication.
To learn more about the legal and investigatory challenges chat-based apps pose and how to overcome them, visit and download Logikcull’s free guide.
About Logikcull - Instant Discovery for Modern Legal Teams
Logikcull provides instant discovery for modern legal teams. Its secure, cloud-based solution helps law firms and organizations of all sizes solve the expensive, complex, and risky challenges associated with eDiscovery, internal investigations, and open records response. With Logikcull, you can start a discovery project in five seconds, from anywhere at any time on any device. Reviewing data is as easy as performing a Google search. And in Logikcull, your data is always secure. That’s why it’s trusted by the Fortune 500, Am Law 200, and governments of the biggest cities in the world.
To learn more, visit and watch a free demo.