Cryptic Labs and Dr. Whitfield Diffie Sign Research Agreement With NKN Project

SAN FRANCISCO--()--Cryptic Labs and its Chief Scientist, Turing Award winner Dr. Whitfield “Whit” Diffie recently confirmed that they have signed a research agreement with NKN, an open-source, community-driven blockchain project, to accelerate innovation in cryptography research. As part of the agreement, NKN is honored to enlist Dr. Diffie as its technical advisor.

“Previously in my career I have briefly studied Cellular Automata and found it an excellent fit for cryptography. I did not have time to research more in detail at that time, but now it seems a good opportunity to explore this further,” Dr. Diffie said in a recent meeting with the NKN US team. “I see one of the key challenges of today’s blockchain system is scalability and performance. I’m glad NKN is taking aim at this important research topic,” Dr. Diffie further comments.

Yanbo Li, Founder of NKN project, expressed his excitement in working with Cryptic Labs and Dr. Diffie: “My interest in a New Kind of Science and Cellular Automata seems to resonate well with Cryptic Labs and Dr. Diffie’s research interests. And our research team is thrilled to work closely with this group of world class researchers to contribute to the advance of technology in blockchain networking infrastructure.”

About Cryptic Labs and Dr. Whitfield Diffie

Cryptic Labs is a newly formed research accelerator specializing in fundamental research of cryptography. Cryptic Labs boasts a growing roster of renowned researchers both in the US and Europe, with Dr. Whitfield Diffie as its Chief Scientist.

Dr. Whitfield Diffie is an American cryptographer and one of the pioneers of public-key cryptography. Diffie and Martin Hellman's 1976 paper New Directions in Cryptography introduced a radically new method of distributing cryptographic keys, which became the foundation of securing most of what we do digitally today.

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About project

NKN, short for “New Kind of Network,” is a new generation of highly scalable, self-evolving and self-incentivizing blockchain network infrastructure. NKN addresses the network decentralization and self-evolution by introducing Cellular Automata methodology for both dynamic routing and highly scalable consensus algorithms.

NKN tokenizes network connectivity and data transmission capacity with a novel and useful Proof of Work, called Proof of Relay. NKN focuses on decentralizing network resources, similar to how Bitcoin and Ethereum decentralized computing power as well as how IPFS and Filecoin decentralized storage.

Media contact:


NKN Foundation
Zheng Bruce Li


NKN Foundation
Zheng Bruce Li