Tyler Wood Appointed Senior Vice President of Global Business Development for Mediatrix Capital Inc.

NASSAU, Bahamas--()--Mediatrix Capital Inc. announced today that Tyler Wood has been named Senior Vice President of Global Business Development.

He has 15+ years of experience in alternative investments management such as Forex, managed futures and international strategies and also consults with private clients on the formation of hedge funds and alternative investment portfolios. He previously worked with SRB Capital Management and Worldwide Futures System and currently is managing director of the Naples Family Office Association.

Wood’s passion for helping others has been displayed through his 9-year relationship with Kiva.org, a micro-lending organization supporting entrepreneurial efforts in over 80 countries and successfully loaning over $900M globally since inception.

"What excites me about working with Mediatrix Capital is its impressive track record of world-class results with minimal risk. The team has achieved 34 straight months of audited positive client gains and is very well positioned for future growth,” said Wood.

"Tyler’s extensive global background and solid reputation as an accomplished investment management professional are extremely hard to find, and we are very pleased to have him on board as the newest member of our team. I am confident that he will make significant contributions to our firm and for our investors as we expand globally and launch our new hedge fund," said Mediatrix Capital CEO Michael S. Young.

As a leader in the Forex industry, Mediatrix Capital currently offers individual managed accounts for accredited investors, family offices, and asset managers and has produced consistent strong returns since inception. In addition to a managed account platform, the Mediatrix Capital Fund will launch in Q4 2016 as a Bloomberg-listed, closed-end hedge fund administered by Sterling Fund Services, audited by KPMG, and domiciled in the Bahamas. Parent company Mediatrix Capital will raise $1 billion in investments into the new Mediatrix Capital Fund.

The company’s investment approach utilizes proprietary world-class algorithms and a short-term Spot FX currency correlation methodology to generate an exceptional track record while investors benefit from full transparency, short-term client liquidity, and control over their accounts. Mediatrix Capital is accepting qualified investors globally, both institutional and individual.

For further information, visit www.mediatrixcapital.com or call 1-800-905-1006. Mediatrix Capital is a Belize-registered corporation, and does not operate within the United States.

About Mediatrix Capital, Inc.

Mediatrix Capital, Inc. provides Managed Account services for an elite clientele seeking to benefit from trading the Foreign Exchange Market. The founding partners of Mediatrix Capital are respected traders and published FX Spot and FX OTC Options strategists with a track record of exceptional operations, trade management, technology/algorithm development, risk mitigation, and overall funds management. The firm uses a very sophisticated suite of algorithmic technology and artificial intelligence to achieve exceptional results while more importantly managing the downside risk of trading. The firm offers qualified investors access to one of the finest high rate investment funds available anywhere in the world with 100% transparency, 100% liquidity and world class, dependable monthly returns that most firms only hope for in any single year’s time.

Disclaimer -- In no event should the content of this material be construed as an advertisement, express or an implied promise, guarantee or implication by or from Mediatrix Capital Inc. or any of its partner or subsidiary companies. This is not an attempt to sell or solicit any security and should not be taken as such. The content of this document is for informational purposes only. Potential Accredited Investors are advised to carefully read the Disclosure Documents to determine whether a managed investment in Mediatrix Capital is consistent with their financial situations and investment objectives. Past results are no guarantee of future performance. Mediatrix Capital is a foreign corporation based in Sandyport Bahamas and does not operate within the United States.


Mediatrix Capital Inc.
Michael S. Young, 1-800-905-1006


Mediatrix Capital Inc.
Michael S. Young, 1-800-905-1006