Mike South, Respected Porn Industry Blogger, Endorses Prop. 60, California Condom Ballot Measure

LOS ANGELES--()--In news that is undoubtedly rocking California’s adult entertainment industry today, Mike South, a longtime and respected industry blogger, has endorsed Proposition 60, the California Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act, the November 2016 California ballot measure that will clarify and strengthen existing state and federal laws that require condom use by adult industry performers working in California.

In a blog post Wednesday, August 3rd on his eponymous website, www.mikesouth.com, headlined, “Now I Can Say That I Support Prop. 60, Here is Why,” South wrote:

“…I have to come out in support of Prop 60. There is an AWFUL LOT of mis-information about this measure, but when you read it and consider it and consider what it does and just as importantly does NOT do it makes sense …

Come on people this is just plain wrong [after South cited irresponsible behavior of producers and certain performers in the industry], is it any wonder that we are fighting this fight and the simple truth is, can you look at this industry and say that we are doing the right thing?"

In his post, South also forcefully debunks the "sue a porn performer" mythology that the Free Speech Coalition (FSC), the porn producers’ trade group leading the opposition to Prop. 60, has been promoting to incite fear and misunderstanding among performers.

“We are glad to let Mike South’s own words—a blistering indictment of the industry, if ever there was one—speak for themselves in exposing the hypocrisy, lies and misinformation continually promulgated by the porn industry regarding Proposition 60 and thank him for his bold endorsement of this important ballot measure,” said Rick Taylor, Campaign Director for the ‘Yes on Proposition 60' campaign.

FAIR4CA advocates note that initial and recent statewide polling it conducted suggests over 70% of voters agree with the ballot measure—far more than the 57% of LA voters1 who passed Measure B, a similar ballot measure in Los Angeles County in 2012.

1 Measure B passed in November 2012 with 1,617,866 votes in favor (57%) vs.1,222,681 votes against (43%).


Dakota Communications
Rick Taylor, 310.815.8444

Release Summary

Mike South, Respected Porn Industry Blogger, Endorses Prop. 60, Condom Ballot Measure


Dakota Communications
Rick Taylor, 310.815.8444