Statement by Dennis C. Revell Son-in-law of President & Mrs. Reagan

LOS ANGELES--()--“With Mrs. Reagan’s passing early this morning, I have been besieged by media calls asking if I would share some of my personal insights and memories of Nancy Reagan.

As most in the media know, I’ve shunned the role of spokesperson for the Reagan family as much as others have sought it. I’ve done so, not out of indifference or timidity, but out of a deep respect for President Reagan, Nancy, Maureen and the rest of the family.

Throughout our very private family moments together as well as our times in the public spotlight, Nancy Reagan was first and foremost an incredibly elegant, influential, dedicated, loving and politically astute partner to the most important President in my lifetime. While we enjoyed a close relationship throughout their White House years, we developed an even closer bond in the years following their return to California for which I am very grateful. I will miss her terribly.

We were there for each other as our spouses battled their respective health challenges in the same hospital at the same time. I recall our oftentimes month-long telephone discussions on how we were all going to celebrate Christmas together. In the quiet of their home, she inspired me with the constant care and compassion she showed President Reagan as he struggled with Alzheimer’s. Yesterday, after driving down from Sacramento to visit with her, the radiator blew on my car as we arrived in the driveway of her home. Our last conversation was her being worried about me getting the car repaired. That is vintage Nancy Reagan…taking care of others to the end.”


Revell Communications
Dennis Revell


Revell Communications
Dennis Revell