Susan G. Komen® Invites Donors to Tie Their Dollars to Their Passions Through New Donation Program at

Supporters Can Donate Directly to Komen’s Metastatic Breast Cancer Research, General Breast Cancer Research or Patient Support and Education Programs through Pilot Program Launching Today

DALLAS--()--Breast cancer donors will be able to contribute directly to specific breast cancer research and support programs that they care deeply about, through a pilot program launched today by Susan G. Komen at its national website,

“Many of our friends and supporters tell us that while they appreciate the depth and breadth of Komen’s mission, they’d like to be able to donate specifically to work that has special meaning to them,” said Dr. Judy Salerno, Komen’s President and CEO. “We’re delighted to provide that option on our website,, during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October – a month where the fight against breast cancer is top of mind and people are eager to make a difference.”

Starting today and for the month of October, Komen is offering donors the opportunity to contribute specifically to Komen’s metastatic breast cancer research program, Komen’s general research program, Komen’s national support and education programs or Komen’s general fund.

The organization timed the launch of the program to coincide with Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day today (Oct. 13).

“Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day has special significance for us at Komen, because our friends and loved ones are among the 40,000 women and men who die of metastatic disease each year,” Salerno said. “We’re committed to changing those terrible numbers by finding better treatments and cures for metastatic disease while supporting metastatic patients.”

She noted that while Komen has funded more metastatic research than any other nonprofit – $147 million to date, including funding for 36 new metastatic research grants in 2015 – there is still much more work to be done. Komen also is a founding member of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance, a consortium formed in 2013 by more than two dozen organizations to advance the issues of metastatic patients.

Donors wishing to contribute specifically to metastatic research programs can do so here.

Other areas donors can directly support include:

  • Komen’s general research program invests in research along the entire breast cancer continuum from prevention to better screening methodologies, to precision medicine and better therapies and cures for breast cancer. At $889 million since inception, Komen has made the largest nonprofit investment in breast cancer research, second only to the federal government.
  • Komen’s national support and education programs, such as Komen’s national helpline, which in the last fiscal year responded to more than 15,000 women, men and families facing breast cancer to provide information on lifesaving financial, educational, treatment and psychosocial support resources. Komen’s educational messaging about breast health and breast cancer reaches millions of people through a variety of means, most importantly through our “About Breast Cancer” web pages, which were accessed more than 3.6 million times this past year. And, through its national Community Health grant program, Komen makes screening, treatment, and patient navigation possible in communities nationwide.
  • Komen’s general fund. Donations may be used to fund any of the previously mentioned mission programs or general administrative costs.

Salerno said Komen will evaluate the program with an eye toward offering future opportunities to donate directly to Komen programs, including Komen’s minority health, breast cancer prevention, environmental research and young investigator programs.

Funds raised by the program will augment, but not replace, money raised through other events such as Komen’s Race for the Cure series or partnership programs.

Research grant applications will be subject to Komen’s nationally recognized peer review process, which calls together more than 60 patient advocates, leading breast cancer scientists and clinical researchers to evaluate new granting.

About Susan G. Komen®

Susan G. Komen is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. Since its founding in 1982, Komen has funded more than $889 million in research and provided $1.95 billion in funding to screening, education, treatment and psychosocial support programs serving millions of people in more than 30 countries worldwide. Komen was founded by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life. Visit or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. Connect with us on social at


Susan G. Komen
Andrea Rader, 972-855-4382

Release Summary

Breast cancer donors will be able to contribute directly to specific programs that they care deeply about, through a pilot program launched today by Susan G. Komen at its national website,


Susan G. Komen
Andrea Rader, 972-855-4382