The 3rd Patient Implanted with a CARMAT Heart at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital on April 8, 2015 Has Returned Home

The patient was discharged from Strasbourg University Hospitals, where he was in rehabilitation

PARIS--()--Regulatory News:

CARMAT (Paris:ALCAR) (FR0010907956, ALCAR), the designer and developer of the world's most advanced total artificial heart project, aiming to provide a therapeutic alternative for people suffering from end-stage heart failure, announces that the patient implanted at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital - Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) in April has returned home.

The patient received training in how to use the portable system and was able to return home following a rehabilitation period at Strasbourg University Hospitals, in his region of origin. The medical, hospital and technical teams remain fully on hand to continue providing the patient with proper medical supervision.

Marcello Conviti, Chief Executive Officer of CARMAT, says: “We are delighted that the 3rd patient to receive a CARMAT heart has now been able to return home under the best possible conditions. I would like to thank the Georges Pompidou European Hospital – AP-HP de Paris and Strasbourg University Hospitals teams1 for their perfect cooperation and the outstanding level of healthcare given to this patient.

In accordance with the regulatory requirements governing a clinical assessment, and with the full backing of the hospital teams and the study’s promoter, CARMAT, the patient has specifically requested that his identity remain confidential and his privacy be protected.


About CARMAT: the world’s most advanced total artificial heart project

A credible response to end-stage heart failure: CARMAT aims to eventually provide a response to a major public health issue associated with heart disease, the world’s leading cause of death: chronic and acute heart failure. By pursuing the development of its total artificial heart, CARMAT intends to overcome the well-known shortfall in heart transplants for the tens of thousands of people suffering from irreversible end-stage heart failure, the most seriously affected of the 20 million patients with this progressive disease in Europe and the United States.

The result of combining two types of unique expertise: the medical expertise of Professor Carpentier, known throughout the world for inventing Carpentier-Edwards® heart valves, which are the most used in the world, and the technological expertise of Airbus Group, world aerospace leader.

Imitating the natural heart: given its size, the choice of structural materials and its innovative physiological functions, CARMAT’s total artificial heart could, assuming the necessary clinical trials are successful, potentially benefit the lives of thousands of patients a year with no risk of rejection and with a good quality of life.

A project leader acknowledged at a European level: with the backing of the European Commission, CARMAT has been granted the largest subsidy ever given to an SME by Bpifrance; a total of €33 million.

Strongly committed, prestigious founders and shareholders: Airbus Group, Professor Alain Carpentier, the Centre Chirurgical Marie Lannelongue, Truffle Capital, a leading European venture capital firm, and the thousands of institutional and individual shareholders who have placed their trust in CARMAT.

For more information:

About Strasbourg University Hospitals

Ranked among the leading French University Hospitals, the Strasbourg University Hospitals are acknowledged for the quality of care they deliver, their excellent level of clinical research and innovation and their leadership position in the initial and continuous training of healthcare professionals in the Alsace region of northeastern France.

The collaboration between Strasbourg University Hospitals and the University of Strasbourg, which enjoys a worldwide reputation thanks to the Shanghai ranking, in numerous projects is an example to follow in the country’s university hospital landscape.

The Strasbourg University Hospitals Cardiac Surgery Unit

This department carries out more than 1,100 cardiopulmonary bypass operations each year, including around twenty insertions of cardiac assist devices and a similar number of heart transplants.

Internationally recognized for many years now for its excellence in the field of end-stage heart failure, since 2000 the unit has implanted 140 cardiac assist devices and carried out 235 heart transplants.

Within the framework of the CARMAT project, the expertise of the department’s medical and paramedical team enabled the patient to receive optimal care and return home. He will continue to be monitored by this same team through regular visits.

A particularly high-performance and comprehensive technical platform

With an extended healthcare offer, the facility possesses the latest innovative medical and therapeutic equipment to ensure its diagnostic, healthcare and research mission: PET-SCAN, 5 MRIs including an interventional MRI, 4 gamma cameras, 6 scanners and 4 robots to assist in video coeliosurgery, neurosurgery and cardiovascular surgery.

Key figures

A budget of almost one billion euros
13,000 healthcare professionals to help patients
6 hospital facilities with 2,800 beds, places and stations
370 transplants
6,000 childbirth deliveries
2,700 research publications (2008-2011)
7 training institutes and schools training 1,300 students each year

For further information, please go to (in French)



This press release and the information contained herein do not constitute an offer to sell or subscribe to, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe to, shares in CARMAT ("the Company") in any country. This press release contains forward‐looking statements that relate to the Company’s objectives. Such forward‐looking statements are based solely on the current expectations and assumptions of the Company’s management and involve risk and uncertainties. Potential risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, whether the Company will be successful in implementing its strategies, whether there will be continued growth in the relevant market and demand for the Company’s products, new products or technological developments introduced by competitors, and risks associated with managing growth. The Company’s objectives as mentioned in this press release may not be achieved for any of these reasons or due to other risks and uncertainties.

No guarantee can be given as to any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements, which are subject to inherent risks, including those described in the Document de Référence filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers under number D.15-0138 on March 16, 2015, changes in economic conditions, the financial markets or the markets in which CARMAT operates. In particular, no guarantee can be given concerning the Company’s ability to finalize the development, validation and industrialization of the prosthesis and the equipment required for its use, to manufacture the prostheses, satisfy the requirements of the ANSM, enroll patients, obtain satisfactory clinical results, perform the clinical trials and tests required for CE marking and to obtain the CE mark. CARMAT products are currently exclusively used within the framework of clinical trials.


ISIN code: FR0010907956
Ticker: ALCAR

1 CARMAT would like to wholeheartedly thank the teams headed by Professors Latrémouille and Cholley at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital - Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris as well as the Professor Mazzucotelli’s team at the Strasbourg University Hospitals’ cardiovascular surgery unit.


Marcello Conviti
Patrick Coulombier
Benoît de la Motte
Tel.: +33 (0)1 39 45 64 50
Alize RP
Press Relations
Caroline Carmagnol
Olivier Bordy
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 54 36 66
Financial Communication
and Investor Relations
Dusan Oresansky
Emmanuel Huynh
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 94


Marcello Conviti
Patrick Coulombier
Benoît de la Motte
Tel.: +33 (0)1 39 45 64 50
Alize RP
Press Relations
Caroline Carmagnol
Olivier Bordy
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 54 36 66
Financial Communication
and Investor Relations
Dusan Oresansky
Emmanuel Huynh
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 94