Healthcare Services Platform Consortium Reaches Milestones: Incorporation, Officers and Initial Benefactors

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--()--The Healthcare Services Platform Consortium (HSPC), a provider-led, multi-stakeholder initiative to launch a next-generation interoperability platform for healthcare, announced today it has achieved a number of key milestones including its incorporation as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. HSPC also announced appointment of corporate officers including Stanley M. Huff, MD, as Chairman of HSPC’s Board of Directors, and Oscar Diaz as Chief Executive Officer.

Dr. Huff is Chief Medical Informatics Officer at Intermountain Healthcare. Mr. Diaz, previously VP and General Manager, Harris Healthcare Solutions, is a veteran healthcare information technology (HIT) executive and pioneer who has launched several successful HIT firms over his career.

HSPC also announced the commitment of two initial founding members: Intermountain Healthcare, a Salt Lake City-based 22-hospital health system and LSU Health Care Services Division, a Baton Rouge-based academic healthcare organization working with public-private partner hospitals and focusing on clinical data-driven population health and healthcare improvement.

Intermountain Healthcare is hosting HSPC’s next technical meeting Sept. 28-30, 2015 at the Scottsdale Conference Center and Resort. Meeting agendas can be found at and The HSPC September meeting follows a successful August technical meeting in Salt Lake City and a successful June meeting in Washington, D.C. hosted by the American College of Surgeons and the Veterans Administration.

“We are thrilled with HSPC’s progress and the growing momentum for a vendor-agnostic, market-driven interoperability solution like ours,” said Dr. Huff. “We launched HSPC to enable software developers to create interoperable applications free of proprietary constraints. Clearly, healthcare is ready for apps that work with any health system’s EHR, regardless of vendor.”

“Intermountain and LSU are both highly regarded pioneers in the use of HIT,” said Mr. Diaz. “That these leading healthcare organizations have become founding members of HSPC shows how critical it is to develop an industry-wide, multi-stakeholder approach to interoperability.”

Wayne Wilbright, MD, CEO of LSU Health Care Services Division, said, “LSU has developed informatics and analytics innovations utilizing clinical data for population health and chronic disease management since prior to Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005. HSPC offers us the most innovative, market-based strategy for enabling the healthcare industry’s significant investment in clinical and financial data systems to be efficiently leveraged to meet the information demands of the evolving value-based healthcare environment.”

HSPC was founded as a cross-healthcare-industry effort to focus application development on a new-generation platform through alignment of leading healthcare delivery organizations, vendors, system integrators and a venture-led investor group. The consortium’s primary objective is to leverage hard-won work on SOA at the Veterans Administration, Intermountain, Arizona State University, Regenstrief Institute and other organizations to accelerate application development through an open-standards-based, SOA platform and create a new marketplace for semantic, native interoperability in healthcare.

About The Healthcare Services Platform Consortium (HSPC)

The Consortium is a provider led, not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder organization aimed at fostering a collaborative industry-wide initiative for an open Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) based platform, a next-generation technology model and a multi-vendor restful web services modeled against HL7 FHIR and CIMI/CEM based profiles. Similar to iOS and Android, HSPC will support an “app store” model for plug-and-play healthcare applications leveraging the work at Intermountain Healthcare, LSU, the VA VistA Evolution initiative and others. The HSPC app store will support common services and models that vendors can use to shorten development life cycles. The SOA for healthcare will enable multiple collaborators to deliver different parts of a solution set that will address care coordination, gaps in workflow between systems, and high-fidelity workflow models that support both acute, ambulatory and patient-centered medical home models. More information can be found at


Healthcare Services Platform Consortium
Oscar Diaz, CEO, 480-209-5480

Release Summary

Healthcare Services Platform Consortium Reaches Milestones: Incorporation, Officers and Initial Benefactors


Healthcare Services Platform Consortium
Oscar Diaz, CEO, 480-209-5480