Archdiocese of San Francisco and Archdiocesan Federation of Teachers, Local 2240 Announce Labor Agreement

SAN FRANCISCO--()--A three-year collective bargaining agreement (2015-18) with the Archdiocese of San Francisco was ratified today by members of the Archdiocesan Federation of Teachers, local 2240. This labor agreement covers 236 full-time teachers at four Archdiocesan high schools – Archbishop Riordan (San Francisco), Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep (San Francisco), Marin Catholic (Kentfield) and Junipero Serra (San Mateo).

The labor agreement provides wage increases over the three-year contract and other negotiated working conditions and benefits. Archdiocesan labor agreements also include a preamble in which are stated the purposes of Catholic education and the responsibilities of teaching in Catholic schools. These were discussed and agreed-upon and are included below in an appendix.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said, “I want to thank the union and administration negotiating teams for their hard work over the past few months in coming to this agreement. They have negotiated just wages and benefits for our high school teachers, who are among the finest teachers in northern California.

“I also very much appreciate that the negotiations included a rich discussion about the mission and purpose of Catholic education and the vital role that our high school teachers play in carrying out that mission,” he said. “I’m pleased that these discussions reinforced and clarified purposes and roles which have been referenced in previous contracts. And I pass on my special thanks to all our teachers who ratified this agreement.”

Nina Russo, interim superintendent of schools, said, “We look forward to our students returning to a year of learning and rich, meaningful experiences in both academics and school life. We appreciate the concerted efforts of teachers and school leadership to prepare for this new school opening with the highest degree of commitment and professionalism.”


2015-18 Collective Bargaining Agreement – Preamble Clauses on Catholic Education

WHEREAS, the Union and its members recognize the unique nature of the Archdiocesan high school system in that it is Roman Catholic, committed to provide education within the framework of Catholic principles; that Catholic teachings and precepts shall remain paramount throughout the term of this Agreement; and that nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as interfering in any way with the Superintendent’s functions and duties insofar as they are canonical; and

WHEREAS, the Union and its members recognize that all lay teachers covered by this Agreement shall perform all their duties as set forth in this Agreement in accordance with the doctrines and precepts of the Roman Catholic Church, and shall conduct themselves at all times during the performance of those duties in a manner in keeping with the standards of the Church; and

WHEREAS, the Parties to this agreement acknowledge that the purpose of Catholic schools is to affirm Catholic values through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to help students learn and develop their critical and moral faculties; and

WHEREAS, teachers are expected to support the purpose of our Catholic schools in such a way that their personal conduct will not adversely impact their ability to teach in our Catholic High Schools; and

WHEREAS, the Parties acknowledge that disputes about teacher conduct on and off the job are subject to the grievance procedure to determine whether such conduct has adversely impacted the teacher’s ability to teach in our Catholic High Schools.


Mike Brown, (office) 415-614-5636 or (cell) 650-387-1160


Mike Brown, (office) 415-614-5636 or (cell) 650-387-1160