ASQ Future of Quality Report Points to Impending Challenges

Essays by thought leaders worldwide address quality in varying topics

MILWAUKEE--()--ASQ’s recently released 2015 Future of Quality Report, titled “Quality Throughout,” offers a glimpse into the future as it relates to quality in customer experience, big data, risk management and decentralized leadership, among other topics.

The report, published by ASQ in collaboration with the Long Term Strategy Group, identifies emerging trends, challenges and opportunities and fosters discussion and debate on their potential impact. The report serves as a catalyst for businesses to incorporate the insights into their business planning and operations.

ASQ has published the Future of Quality Study since 1996. Unlike previous versions, this year’s report consists of 11 essays from prominent thought-leaders worldwide working in areas of interest not only to the quality community, but governments, business leaders and consumers.

Authors include Stanley McChrystal, retired U.S. General; Noriaki Kano, professor emeritus at the Tokyo University of Science in Tokyo, Japan; Jim Davis, University of California-Los Angeles vice provost, information technology and chief academic technology officer; Izabel Christina Cotta Matte, chief strategic planning and budget officer of Porto Alegre, Brazil; and Devi Shetty, chair and founder of Narayana Health, Bengaluru, India.

“The Future of Quality Report addresses a wide range of themes that business leaders need to consider today to prepare for tomorrow,” said ASQ Chair Cecilia Kimberlin. “Quality can help organizations achieve successful outcomes in the future and help them navigate through the challenging and changing landscape.”

Common threads surfaced throughout the 11 essays, including:

  • The need to knock down information silos
  • Limitless connectivity will change how we think—and do—almost everything
  • Begin thinking differently about what we think we already know
  • The broadening of quality knowledge throughout the organization

For more information or to download the report, visit

About ASQ

ASQ is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. ASQ is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., with national service centers in China, India, Mexico and a regional service center in the United Arab Emirates. Learn more about ASQ’s members, mission, technologies and training at


Kevin Braley
414-272-8575 Ext. 7587

Release Summary

ASQ’s "2015 Future of Quality Report: Quality Throughout,” features essays from worldwide thought leaders who offer a glimpse of future trends, challenges and opportunities as they relate to quality.


Kevin Braley
414-272-8575 Ext. 7587