iProcedures Mobile Anesthesia Solution to Complement Allscripts Sunrise Surgical Care

iPro Anesthesia™, an innovative, industry-leading mobile anesthesiology solution now offered with Allscripts Sunrise™ Surgical Care

TAMPA, Fla.--()--iPro Anesthesia is an intuitive, easy-to-use Anesthesia Information Management Solution (AIMS) platform designed by anesthesiologists for anesthesiologists. This cloud-based platform helps anesthesiologists adhere to changing compliance and regulatory standards while maintaining traditional workflow. iPro Anesthesia offers an end-to-end mobile AIMS solution with fast access to data, and its multi-modular platform is designed to fit the needs of any hospital size and practice setting.

iPro Anesthesia with Allscripts Sunrise Surgical Care will offer a continuous patient record by sharing patient and surgical procedure information between both applications. The combined information supports access to robust clinical data, better patient care, improved quality outcomes and revenue cycle efficiencies in anesthesia.

iPro Anesthesia’s application is simpler than paper charting because of the user defined templates, the ability to quickly capture vitals from the Anesthesia machines or using our patented quick-chart feature and the rules and actionable alerts for standard protocols and compliance. In addition, iProcedures’ interactive dashboard software combines data and graphical indicators to deliver at-a-glance summaries of information as well as drill down information for care providers and administrators.

“The addition of iPro, along with recent enhancements to our emergency and critical care solutions, completes our end-to-end high-acuity inpatient solution,” said Diane G. Bradley, MD, General Manager, Allscripts Sunrise business unit. “The offering of iPro Anesthesia with Allscripts Sunrise Surgical Care addresses the reality of today’s perioperative environment. Many of our clients see anesthesiology as integral to their surgical solution, and with a significant percentage of anesthesia procedures being performed outside of the operating room, mobility and being able to document on the anesthesia EHR anywhere, any time is critical.”

“iPro Anesthesia and Allscripts Sunrise Surgical Care truly complement each other and offer a single patient record, which is more complete, comprehensive, and powerful,” said Raj Popuri, CEO, iProcedures.

“Quality assurance, compliance, concurrency, and actionable data should be a byproduct of day-to-day clinical documentation in this critical perioperative space, and this is what iProcedures offers,” said Mani Vindhya M.D, CMO, iProcedures. “Providing iPro Anesthesia with Allscripts Sunrise Surgical Care platform will help the hospital administration to improve operating room efficiency and clinical care of patients.

About iProcedures

iProcedures provides software solutions to streamline the perioperative workflow. iProcedures bridges gaps in current enterprise workflow by providing innovative technology solutions, which increase productivity and provide effective, focused, clinical care. iProcedures offers a wide range of specialty-specific products, including a pre-op anesthesia assessment, intra-op anesthesia charting, and a quality measures reporting module.


Jesse K. Rose, 813-402-1975


Jesse K. Rose, 813-402-1975