First-Ever Tang Prize Opens with a Week of Celebration

TAIPEI, Taiwan--()--After a very careful nomination and selection process, the first winners of the inaugural Tang Prize were announced over four days of announcements starting on June 18, 2014, one day for each of the prize’s four categories: Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology, and Rule of Law.

In its debut year, the prize awarded its diploma and signature medal to the five inaugural laureates: Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland in Sustainable Development, Doctors Tasuku Honjo and James P. Allison in Biopharmaceutical Science, Professor Yu Ying-Shih in Sinology, and former Justice Albie Sachs in Rule of Law.

A short three months later, all five inaugural laureates landed in Taiwan right at the outset of Tang Prize Week, accompanied by family, friends, and loved ones, tired from their long journeys, yet excited at seeing the culture of Taiwan and experiencing the grandeur of Tang Prize Week, a week of events that culminates with the Award Ceremony on September 18.

At the commencement of Tang Prize Week was the reception on the evening of September 15, where all five laureates and a handful of select guests and representatives became acquainted with each other’s lives and work.

At the heart of the week of events was the Award Ceremony on September 18, where the five laureates and their life’s work took center stage to receive the highest of honors, as well as a medal and diploma from the Republic of China President Ma Ying-jeou.

While the Lectures centered on the accomplishments of the laureates, the Masters’ Forum gave other notable scholars from each field, as well as students and teachers, the chance to speak and interact with the laureates. Both the Forum and Lectures gave the public a rare opportunity to learn about the achievements of the laureates, new developments and trends in each field, and areas where work remains for the next generation to contribute, to improve, and to work toward the betterment of humanity.

The Tang Prize is named for the historical Tang Dynasty, a golden era in Chinese culture of unprecedented brilliance and exchange in economy and art, religion and science. Such a prize has been the dream of its founder Dr. Yin Yen-Liang for over 20 years.

For more information about the Tang Prize, please visit the official website at:


Tang Prize Foundation
Yin Yin Hu, +886-2-8772-5188 ext.202


Tang Prize Foundation
Yin Yin Hu, +886-2-8772-5188 ext.202