Post-Acute Care Facilities Have New Road to Meaningful Use Incentives

Netsmart my Avatar™ CareRecord™ helps put behavioral health providers on more level playing field with primary care

Netsmart clients have received the highest percentage of Meaningful Use funds (Graphic: Business Wire)

OVERLAND PARK, Kan.--()--Netsmart today announced that its myAvatar™ ONC 2014 solution has been certified as an Inpatient Complete EHR, 2014 Edition (Meaningful Use Stage 2).

Using the myAvatar CareRecord™, hospitals, including those that serve the behavioral health community, can qualify for Meaningful Use Stage 2 incentive funding and improve quality of care.

The myAvatar CareRecord is among only 2 percent of electronic health records (EHRs) nationwide certified for Complete Inpatient Stage 2, and Netsmart is the only health and human services-focused technology provider to obtain the inpatient certification.

Netsmart serves as the knowledge and technology partner for more than 40 state psychiatric health systems and hundreds of county and community mental health centers nationwide, many of which provide inpatient mental health treatment and services.

“We’re pleased to enable providers that offer inpatient services the ability to qualify for Meaningful Use funding,” said Mike Valentine, chief executive officer, Netsmart. “Meaningful Use offers financial benefits, but also significant are the capabilities we have built into our certified CareRecords to enable providers to do clinical interventions at the point care, coordinate care with all affiliated care providers, improve outcomes and reduce costs.”

NHS Human Services, one of the nation’s largest behavioral health providers, with facilities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Virginia, Maryland and Louisiana, used myAvatar in attestation filing to qualify for more than $400,000 in Meaningful Use incentive funds.

NHS Human Services Corporate Vice President of Information Technology Matthew Zabolotny says it’s about more than the MU monies. “Our accountability has increased both internally and externally, our collections rates have improved and we have cleaner documentation. Our relationship with Netsmart as a strategic partner impacts all major clinical, financial and operational areas of our organization.”

Currently, behavioral health, addiction treatment, I/DD, child and family, public health, inpatient psychiatric and other health and human services providers must qualify for Medicaid or Medicare Meaningful Use funds based on the number of Eligible Professionals (EPs), such as physicians and nurse practitioners, in their organizations.

Netsmart is a founding member of the Behavioral Health IT Coalition, a group of leading behavioral health organizations advocating for passage of legislation in Congress to make it easier for psychiatric hospitals and other behavioral health providers to qualify for Meaningful Use.

“We’re passionate about our opportunity and obligation to help our clients thrive in these rapidly-changing times in healthcare,” said Valentine.

Certification testing for Avatar 2014 was conducted by Drummond Group Inc., one of the ONC-Authorized Testing and Certification Bodies (ATCBs) for EHR certification named by the Office of the National Coordinator to provide Meaningful Use certification for EHR systems and applications.

To learn more about how Netsmart helps organizations qualify for incentives, visit Understanding Meaningful Use or access our Meaningful Use white papers and FAQs.

About Netsmart

Netsmart is committed to helping health and human services providers deliver effective, outcomes-based care with Netsmart’s CareFabric™ solution, a tightly woven framework of innovative clinical and business solutions and services that supports integrated, coordinated delivery of health services across the spectrum of care.

More than 23,000 client organizations, including 450,000 care providers and more than 40 state systems use Netsmart solutions to help improve the quality of life for more than 25 million people each day. Netsmart clients include mental health and addiction services agencies, health homes, psychiatric hospitals, private and group mental health practices, public health departments, social services and child and family health agencies, managed care organizations, and vital records offices.

Netsmart is pleased to support the EveryDay Matters Foundation, which was established for behavioral and public health organizations to learn from each other and share their causes and stories. For more information, visit

Learn more about how Netsmart and the CareFabric solution are changing the face of healthcare today. Visit, call 1-800-472-5509, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook or visit us on YouTube.

Learn more about how Netsmart and CareFabric are changing the face of healthcare today. Visit, call 1-800-472-5509, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook or visit us on YouTube.

Certification Information

This Complete EHR is 2014 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or guarantee the receipt of incentive payments.

Vendor: Netsmart Technologies, Inc.
Date Certified: 5/12/2014
Product Version: myAvatar 2014
Additional Software: none
Certified Criteria: 314(g)(3); 314(g)(4); 314(d)(2); 314(d)(7)
Price Transparency: The additional costs beyond the initial EHR purchase/upgrade in order for an EP, EH, or CAE to attempt to meet meaningful use objectives and measures under the program are:

  • All modules required for MU Stage 2
  • Subscriptions (recurring)
  • Maintenance (recurring)
  • Implementation Services (one time)

myAvatar, CareRecord and CareFabric are trademarks of Netsmart Technologies, Inc.


Kevin Allen, 913-226-5887


Kevin Allen, 913-226-5887