Extraordinary General Meeting held in Nordic Nanovector AS

OSLO, Norway--()--Reference is made to the notice of Extraordinary General Meeting distributed to the shareholders of Nordic Nanovector AS on 19 June 2014.

In accordance with the proposals set out in the notice, the Extraordinary General Meeting has today resolved to issue 10 million new shares in the Private Placement at a price of NOK 25 raising gross proceeds of NOK 250 million. Furthermore, it was resolved to conduct a subsequent share issue of up to 2 million new shares at a price of NOK 25, raising gross proceeds of up to NOK 50 million.

The subsequent share issue will be directed towards the shareholders of the Company as of 27 June 2014 except for (i) shareholders participating in the Private Placement, and (ii) shareholders in jurisdictions other than Norway and where an offer to participate in the share issue is not allowed or would require approval or registration of a prospectus or similar measures.

If not all subscription rights are used by the eligible holders, then the remaining shares may be subscribed to by the shareholders of the Company as of 27 June 2014. The allotment of these remaining shares shall take place on the basis of shareholding as of that date, but so that shares allotted to the shareholder in the Private Placement or pursuant to subscription rights in the subsequent share issue shall be deemed to be allotted shares.

The Company will prepare a prospectus in connection with the subsequent share issue. The subscription period in the subsequent share issue will not commence until the prospectus is approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (the “NFSA”) and the prospectus has been published.

The Company expects that the prospectus will be approved by the NFSA in late August 2014. Eligible holders will receive the prospectus and a subscription form by mail when the prospectus has been approved.

The Extraordinary General Meeting also resolved the other matters on the agenda in accordance with the proposals of the Board of Directors, as further set out in the attached minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting.

ABG Sundal Collier and DNB Markets have acted as managers in the private placement and will act as managers in the subsequent share issue.

About Nordic Nanovector

AS Nordic Nanovector AS is a privately held company established in 2009. The company is based in Norway and has offices and laboratories in Oslo. The company is developing novel innovative anticancer radioimmunotherapeutics to treat non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) and other hematological malignancies.

About Betalutin

Betalutin™, is a pharmaceutical product candidate consisting of a radionuclide conjugated to a tumor seeking carrier/antibody, which can be used for irradiation of malignant metastasized tumors with minimal damage to nearby healthy normal tissue. This technology aims to prolong and improve the quality of life of people who suffer from non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL).


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Jan A. Alfheim, CEO
Phone: ( 47) 22 18 33 01
Cell: ( 47) 46 44 00 45
Fax: ( 47) 22 58 00 07
E-mail: jaa@nordicnanovector.no
Tone Kvåle, CFO
Phone: ( 47) 22 18 33 01
Cell: ( 47) 91 51 95 76
Fax: ( 47) 22 58 00 07
E-mail: tkv@nordicnanovector.no


Jan A. Alfheim, CEO
Phone: ( 47) 22 18 33 01
Cell: ( 47) 46 44 00 45
Fax: ( 47) 22 58 00 07
E-mail: jaa@nordicnanovector.no
Tone Kvåle, CFO
Phone: ( 47) 22 18 33 01
Cell: ( 47) 91 51 95 76
Fax: ( 47) 22 58 00 07
E-mail: tkv@nordicnanovector.no