SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources has selected the nonprofit, California-based Center for Sustainable Energy to administer a new incentive program aimed at increasing the number of zero-emission vehicles commonwealth residents own. The Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) program will provide up to $2,500 for the purchase or lease of plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles (EVs).
The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) was selected to conduct program administration, marketing, and consumer and dealer education in order to engage car consumers in choosing eligible EVs and applying for rebates. CSE is a branch of the California Center for Sustainable Energy, administrator of the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project for the California Air Resources Board and the only third-party organization in the nation to manage statewide clean vehicle incentive programs. This is the first vehicle rebate program that CSE will manage outside of California.
“We are proud to bring our expertise in administering electric vehicle rebate programs to Massachusetts and hope to work with other states to implement these tremendously important initiatives,” said CSE Executive Director Len Hering, RADM, USN (ret). “Incentive programs play a significant role in introducing and promoting clean energy technologies on a wider scale, especially when there are real and perceived barriers to their adoption. The added value and rewards of rebates help people to make more sustainable choices while supporting goals for cleaner air and reduced fossil-fuel consumption.”
Currently, Massachusetts residents drive more than 3,600 EVs. Commonwealth officials intend the MOR-EV program to serve as a catalyst for increasing EV adoption while supporting goals to reduce transportation sector emissions as part of the state’s Clean Energy and Climate Plan. CSE was selected to administer the MOR-EV program through June 2015 with an initial funding of $1.86 million for rebates on a first-come, first-served basis.
“Massachusetts is positioned to be a leader in EV adoption with many of the key characteristics found in EV clusters across the U.S. — a high population density, relatively short commute distances and higher incomes,” said Jack Clark, CSE director of programs.
In support of MOR-EV program outreach, the CSE is partnering with the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, a Boston‐based regional air pollution control agency that recently helped coordinate and draft the Northeast States Governors’ Memorandum of Understanding to ensure maximum deployment of zero-emission vehicles in the region.
The MOR-EV incentives will cover eligible vehicles purchased or leased as of June 18, 2014, and consumers can start applying that day. A website with information on program details, eligible vehicles, incentive amounts and rebate applications will be online June 18 at
About the Center for Sustainable Energy
The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) is the out-of-state branch of the California Center for Sustainable Energy, a nonprofit organization that accelerates the transition to a sustainable world powered by clean energy. CSE helps consumers, businesses, governments and others adopt energy efficiency, renewable energy and clean transportation technologies. Learn more at